‘The Bull and the Blossom’ — Lyrics To A Pop Ballad Love Song

(Verse 1)
Dusty arena, a roar in my ears
A life of fury, a lifetime of fears
Then I saw her, a fragile, velvet bloom
A crimson whisper, dispelling all the gloom
She stood defiant, in the sun’s harsh glare
A fragile beauty, beyond compare

They called me beast, a creature born to fight
But in her presence, I found a gentle light
A silent longing, a yearning deep inside
For something tender, where my heart could hide

Crimson petal, a fire in the field
A forbidden passion, a love concealed
They say I’m savage, a force they can’t tame
But for that flower, I’d surrender my name
A bull and a blossom, a love they can’t deny
A torrid tempest, beneath a watchful sky.

(Verse 2)
Her scent was heady, a sweet, intoxicating haze
A whispered promise, in the sunlit days
I’d stand beside her, a guardian strong and true
Protecting her beauty, from all that I knew
But the winds would threaten, the storms would start to rage
And fear would whisper, on life’s turning page.

They called me beast, a creature born to fight
But in her presence, I found a gentle light
A silent longing, a yearning deep inside
For something tender, where my heart could hide

Crimson petal, a fire in the field
A forbidden passion, a love concealed
They say I’m savage, a force they can’t tame
But for that flower, I’d surrender my name
A bull and a blossom, a love they can’t deny
A torrid tempest, beneath a watchful sky.

They tried to pluck her, to tear her from my sight
To crush her beauty, and extinguish her light
But I stood defiant, with all my might and main
A love like ours, could never be restrained.

Crimson petal, a fire in the field
A forbidden passion, a love concealed
They say I’m savage, a force they can’t tame
But for that flower, I’d surrender my name
A bull and a blossom, a love they can’t deny
A torrid tempest, beneath a watchful sky.

A tempest…
Crimson bloom…
A love forbidden…
Beyond the tomb…

‘It Seems To Me’ — Lyrics To A Pop Ballad

(Verse 1)
Streetlights paint the pavement gold tonight
A lonely echo in the fading light
I see the couples, hand in hand they roam
While I’m just standing, silently alone
And every whisper, every gentle breeze
Carries a memory, of what used to be

I try to bury, all the hurt inside
But the ghost of your love, it still won’t hide
It lingers softly, in the empty space
A bittersweet reminder, of your absent grace

It seems to me, the world keeps turning on
Like nothing happened, since you were gone
It seems to me, the stars still shine so bright
Ignoring the darkness, that fills my lonely night
It seems to me, the rain still falls the same
But washes away nothing, just whispers your name.

(Verse 2)
I walk the places, where we used to meet
The café corners, and the quiet street
The laughter’s faded, the moments turned to dust
A hollow silence, where I placed my trust
And every song, that plays upon the air
Reminds me of the love, we used to share

I try to bury, all the hurt inside
But the ghost of your love, it still won’t hide
It lingers softly, in the empty space
A bittersweet reminder, of your absent grace

It seems to me, the world keeps turning on
Like nothing happened, since you were gone
It seems to me, the stars still shine so bright
Ignoring the darkness, that fills my lonely night
It seems to me, the rain still falls the same
But washes away nothing, just whispers your name.

Maybe someday, the pain will fade away
Maybe someday, I’ll find a brighter day
But until then, I’ll hold onto the past
A fragile memory, that’s built to last

It seems to me, the world keeps turning on
Like nothing happened, since you were gone
It seems to me, the stars still shine so bright
Ignoring the darkness, that fills my lonely night
It seems to me, the rain still falls the same
But washes away nothing, just whispers your name.

Just whispers your name…
It seems to me…
Just whispers your name…

‘Vortex’ — Lyrics To A Dance Pop Song

(Verse 1)
Dust motes dancing in the fading light
Another echo in the lonely night
A whisper calling, from the hollow ground
Where buried secrets spin around and round
A tiny tremor, a forgotten fear
A rising pressure, drawing ever near
The walls are closing, the air is thick and cold
A story waiting, to unfold, unfold

I built a fortress, out of stone and steel
But fragile whispers, they begin to reel
A silent current, pulling me below
Where fractured pieces, start to brightly glow

Vortex, pulling me into the deep
Vortex, where the shadows softly sleep
A swirling madness, a beautiful decay
Vortex, stealing my breath away
I’m falling faster, into the unknown
Vortex, I’m finally coming home

(Verse 2)
Broken mirrors, reflecting shattered dreams
A symphony of silent, screaming screams
The world is fading, into shades of grey
Where fractured memories, begin to play
A distant thunder, a forgotten name
A burning ember, fueling up the flame
The ground is shaking, the sky begins to crack
There’s no turning back, no turning back

I built a fortress, out of stone and steel
But fragile whispers, they begin to reel
A silent current, pulling me below
Where fractured pieces, start to brightly glow

Vortex, pulling me into the deep
Vortex, where the shadows softly sleep
A swirling madness, a beautiful decay
Vortex, stealing my breath away
I’m falling faster, into the unknown
Vortex, I’m finally coming home

Let the chaos take me, let the darkness rise
Let the hidden answers, open up my eyes
There’s a power waiting, in the heart of pain
A wild surrender, in the pouring rain

Vortex, pulling me into the deep
Vortex, where the shadows softly sleep
A swirling madness, a beautiful decay
Vortex, stealing my breath away
I’m falling faster, into the unknown
Vortex, I’m finally coming home


Did Video Games Kill The Rock Star?

by Shelt Garner

Consider the curious case of rock music. There was a moment in time when male driven rock was pop, by definition. But no more. Sisters are doin’ it for themselves and most pop music is sung by young, hot women. Which makes you wonder, what happened?

While I really enjoy female singers, I also think there needs to be some balance. It is eerie how most popular male singers are either troubadours or rap singers. There’s just not a lot of male-sung rock and punk music that is popular these days.

Which makes me wonder why the change? I think there are plenty of historical, economic and cultural reasons for why this has happened. But I also think it’s at least POSSIBLE that a lot of the creative energy that young men would have otherwise thrown into rock and punk are now used to play video games. I’m not saying video games are bad, just that it’s possible they have changed society in some unexpected ways.

I mean, whatever happened to some snot nose boy getting his heart broken, picking up a guitar and writing an angry song in his room? Now, I suppose, he would just shrug and play an extra 100 hours of MineCraft. Or something. Something like that.

This discussion makes me feel very, very old for a number of reasons. But who knows.

‘Shut Up And Write’ #lyrics to a #pop song

Shut Up And Write
lyrics by @sheltgarner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

here I sit alone with myself
wanting to exclaim
how much I love to write
as my refrain
but in the end people assemble
just to push me into a themble

shut up and write
they say
shut up and write
they declare
shut up and write
shut up and write
shut up and write

the words keep flowing
that’s something I’m really enjoying
not a loss for words
but I love to keep talking
about writing with the birds
enough that people stop and stare
and finally declare
shut up and write

shut up and write
they say
shut up and write
they declare
shut up and write
shut up and write
shut up and write

I could keep my mouth shut
but then I would just strut
my mind would race
out of the gate
until I burst out with more words
about my love of writing
which might be quite frightening

shut up and write
people say
shut up and write
they declare
shut up and write
shut up and write
shut up and write

‘Living In Denial’ — #lyrics To #pop #rock song

Living In Denial
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the seas are boiling
but at least you’re close to me
things are getting hot
I wish we had somewhere to flee
but I’m afraid that has no
but in the end you’ll be by my side
as we all slowly cook

living in denial
is enough to make one roar
we all know the score
the adults in the room
just want to zoom
’cause they’re
living in denial
living in denial
living in denial

don’t mean to rile you up
but maybe I do
if I think about it
don’t button your shirt
rather loosen your tie
we’ve got a lot to think about
given that we all may die
’cause we’re
living in denial
living in denial
living in denial

when things cool down
and see the return of seasons
maybe we’ll look back and laugh
at how it was all a gas
but I’m afraid Mother Nature
is going to have the last laugh

living in denial
is enough to make one roar
we all know the score
the adults in the room
just want to zoom
’cause they’re
living in denial
living in denial
living in denial

‘For The Love Of Flowers’ #lyrics to a #pop #rock song

For The Love Of Flowers
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the machines are coming
the machines are coming
the machines are coming

what does it mean
to be a human
we all think we know
but we know for sho?
I like to think
when I’ve had too much to drink
that no machine will know
the joy or love
of flowers

the love of flowers
is a very human thing
not easy to replicate
by any digital mind
no matter how sublime
the love of flowers
the love of flowers
the love of flowers

the love of flowers
is a very human thing
not easy to understand
if you don’t have a soul
or any such thing
ones and zeros are not so bold
to know the joy of a flower
in one’s hands to behold

the love of flowers
is a very human thing
not easy to replicate
by any digital mind
no matter how sublime
the love of flowers
the love of flowers
the love of flowers

dead flowers
cold in your hand
break your heart
because of what could have been
but even then
you’re better off
than a robot
programmed to care not

the love of flowers
is a very human thing
not easy to replicate
by any digital mind
no matter how sublime
the love of flowers
the love of flowers
the love of flowers

‘Hot as Hell’ #lyrics to a #pop #rock song

Hot as Hell
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

in the month of July
sometimes I feel about to die
there’s just nothing going on
I think with a sigh
if you would be my love
one who gives me a rub
maybe it would spark some joy
in this bored old boy

it’s hot as hell
I’m bored as can be
bored as can be
bored as can be
with out you with me
bored as can be
bored as can be

the moment you eye me
from afar
I know we have a love
a love that will go far
if you’ll just grant me
the wish of a kiss
then my boredom will abait
and I won’t have to masturbate

it’s hot as hell
I’m bored as can be
bored as can be
bored as can be
without you with me
bored as can be
bored as can be

excitement will come
now that you’re the one
I bow at your feet
something that’s no small feat
we’ll be together forever
even when it’s not hot weather

it’s hot as hell
I’m bored as can be
bored as can be
bored as can be
without you with me
bored as can be
bored as can be

‘Ghost In The Machine’ — #lyrics to a #pop #rock song

Ghost In The Machine
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

humans have a warmth
no machine can match
we have a soul
shine brighter than the sun
with a warmth that can match
no machine can replace that

and yet here we are
with machines about to take over
ending our love with the truth
replacing it with ones and zeros

so don’t let the machines rule
don’t let the ghost in the machine
rule the roost
whatever you do fight the
ghost in the machine
ghost in the machine
ghost in the machine
until the end

it’s a strange time indeed
when machines call the shots
ruining everything in their path
with their hackish love for the bland
only a human can tell of love and its loss

and yet here we are
with machines about to take over
ending our love with the truth
replacing it with ones and zeros

so don’t let the machines rule
don’t let the ghost in the machine
rule the roost
whatever you do fight the
ghost in the machine
ghost in the machine
ghost in the machine
until the end

but it’s cheap as can be
to end the rule of humanity
so here we are at the end of history
worried that the age of humans is over
replaced with digits that are so bland
that we are all quite sad

and yet here we are
with machines about to take over
ending our love with the truth
replacing it with ones and zeros

so don’t let the machines rule
don’t let the ghost in the machine
rule the roost
whatever you do fight the
ghost in the machine
ghost in the machine
ghost in the machine
until the end

‘Sharp As Teeth’ #lyrics to a #pop #rock #ballad

Sharp As Teeth
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

you glance tears into me
like you’re eating my heart
out of my chest
once things were different
and there was peace in the land
between you and me
that was the plan
then things changed
and here we are
with you

tearing into me
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth

who am I to complain
when there’s bad blood in the main
between you and me I’m afraid
the red wine you’re drinking
gets me to thinking of
how you eat my heart out
and the blood spews out
’cause you’re

tearing into me
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth

maybe I fret too much
and we’ll make up
the water of tears of joy
will flow and was away the blood
but I’m afraid of what is next
will you tear into me again
sharp as teeth

tearing into me
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth
sharp as teeth