I Should Start A Podcast

by Shelt Garner

So many podcasts are very, very bad. Horrible. Take Hard Fork. Those two doofuses aren’t very serious. They are way too breezy for a podcast that could be really engaging if they weren’t so busy sucking their own cocks.

I used to somewhat enjoy the All-In podcast but now that Elon Musk has gone daft, I don’t know. I’ve totally lost all respect for J-Cal of that podcast who used to be that lone voice of reason on that podcast.

Anyway. No one listens to me. Sigh.

So Many Of The Podcasts I Listen To Suck

by Shelt Garner

I have all of the native ingredients necessary to start a successful podcast — other than maybe my voice is to high. I only think this because of how fucking bad some of the podcasts I listen to are.

Just exorable. Horrible. Dog shit. If I had my druthers — and if I had any friends and people liked me — I would start either a movie podcast or a tech podcast. I fucking hate elements of the tech and movie podcasts I listen to at the moment.

The political podcasts are better, but not perfect — I mean, Pod Save America is way, way too chill for how dark and dire the American political scene is at the moment.

Anyway, no one likes me and I have no friends, so all I got is to pivot to working on some novels. Ugh. I wish I was “normal” and knew how to make friends who would actually help me with something like a podcast.

A Lot Of Podcasts Need Better Editors

by Shelt Garner

I’m stunned by how poorly some podcasts are edited. While, in general I like The Big Picture podcast….sometimes it has a lot of slack that could be edited out. I want to hear witty repartee about movies, not long, shaggy dog stories that go nowhere.


It makes me think of how I could totally have a pretty successful podcast, but for the fact that I have no friends and no one likes me. Anyway. It’s kind of frustrating how poorly edited some podcasts are.

We Need A Gawker-Like Podcast Network

by Shelt Garner

This is kind of moot now, but I suppose that there is still a little bit of a window of opportunity for someone to create a Gawker Media-like podcasting network. Instead of a blog, you would have a lot of podcasts — two a day, five days a week.

You would have morning and afternoon / evening podcasts that ran about an hour that would discuss pop culture events. If you really wanted to be a bit edgy, you might stream them live so they could react to events in real-time.

But, like I said, I don’t know if such a thing is even possible now. We’re kind of just on the cusp of moving into a new media environment where everything gets pulled into the maw of AI and XR (VR / AR) and, well, that’s a whole new frontier.

So, I dunno. It is curious that no one did such a thing while there was still time. I think some of it is that the media landscape isn’t one-to-one to the early days of blogs, so there never really was an opportunity for a new Gawker-like media outlet to be birthed in the age of podcasts.

Eat The Rich: Income Inequality Is Destroying American Democracy

by Shelt Garner

I’m listening to The Week In Startup and I’m flabbergasted in the mentality of Jason Calacanis and Molly Wood. I think some of my shock comes from something we don’t talk about a lot in America — class. They’re both really, really rich and so of course they would rather think up ways to screw over workers rather than pay people more.

A lot of America’s problems come from income inequality. If we would just tax billionaires out of existence and pay the average person a living wage then I think a lot of our problems would be dramatically mitigated.

But that’s just not what’s going to happened.

We’re going to use, on a macro basis, automation and AI to destroy a wide range of jobs that we assume will always be there. Off the top of my head, I find myself worried about the 3 million high paying transportation jobs that will vanish whenever Elon Musk hooks AGI to an EV semi.

One thing that was touched upon during This Week In Startups is that as long as what AI does is “just good enough” then it will be used. If you hook up AI to androids then virtually overnight the need for a Universal Basic Income is going to become clear.

A UBI solves a lot of problems and yet it would also cause a lot of problems. Most people are lazy and they just won’t do shit if they get a UBI. What’s worse, there are also people who are extremely ambitious and they would demand the right to have SOME job, just to be able to have somewhere to go during the day and have some sense of self-fulfillment. So, it seems as though some sort of “value added” stipend would be included in which if you can do some sort of job that AGI can’t do very well then you will extra momney.

Or something.

The point is — I’m really worried about America’s instability going forward because of income inequality. There seems as though there might be a real risk of the “Petite Singularity” causing a huge pushback involving the rise of neo-Luddites.

These neo-Luddites will demand huge carve outs whereby only humans can do some jobs. Only time will tell.