‘A Forgettable Man’ — Lyrics To BritPop Anti-Trump Protest Song

These lyrics are about Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and how no one who meets him seems to remember the meeting. In my imagination, the music to this would be slow and melodic like a Blur song. But, again, no one cares about any of these lyrics and I’m just writing them to try my hand at telling a story in verse in a way that’s expected to be sung.

A Forgettable Man
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

people meet him day and night
but when you ask them about it
they seem full of fright
what’s to be said about this all
when at the center of this pall is

a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
what’s up with all of that

Trump may have colluded
with our enemy
but it seems to me as though
no one can see the obvious
the spymaster is controlling things
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak

now we’re going to have to address
the fact that we’re in duress
there’s little we can do now
but express our pain and fear
everything we hold dear is in danger
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak

a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
what’s up with all of that

we need to be brave
need to explain the problem
let’s pave the way to the truth
is my refrain

but how do we get the truth
when all Trump does is lie and lie
where are the tapes, I sigh and sigh
maybe one may knows
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
what’s up with all of that

‘Trumplandia’ — Lyrics To A Neo-Punk Protest Song

The music to this would be an updated version of something like Anarchy In The UK. Something really hard and scary. There might even be a little bit of a rap-punk fusion to this song. Regardless, this is meant to be an updated version of a Sex Pistols song.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Ignorance has descended
there’s nothing more to say
quit it with your dismay
we all live in Trumplandia now
fight the power
in this hour of need
I refuse to get on my needs
I refuse to pledge loyalty
I refuse to kiss the king’s ring

welcome to Trumplandia
welcome to Trumplandia
we will defeat it yet
that’s my hope as I fret

we’ve got to take to the streets
tie up the laces of your shoes
you know what to do, what to do
make sure the fascists don’t know
that they don’t know what hit’em
we may think we’re weak
Trumplandia may have come
but just wait and see

welcome to Trumplandia
welcome to Trumplandia
we will defeat it yet
that’s my hope as I fret

nothing will change
if you don’t fight back
vote, vote, vote
for what you believe

we’ve got to believe
that one day we’ll be free again
that the Bannon’s grip will loose
but that will only happen if you believe
you’ve got to be ready to do what’s right
to fight with all your might

‘Eyes Wide Cuck’ — Lyrics To A Public Enemy-Like Old School Hip-Hop Song

The thing about Public Enemy is they were really directly political in their lyrics and so this would be a homage to their type songs. Again, I just write lyrics like these because it’s relaxing. I know it’s unlikely they will ever be produced for various reasons. This is pretty much a first draft.

Eyes Wide Cuck
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

a demagogue from the Big Apple
has control of the land of the dapper and the sad
Trumplandia is here to say I’m afraid
say it loud but not proud
America is on her knees and
Trump wants her to slop his knob
wants her to kiss his ring, if you know what I mean
we all saw this coming
we were warned, I’m afraid
Trump says he’ll make traffic move
that the buses will run on time
some people believe him so what are we to do
Congress won’t do its job
it’s controlled by Vichy Republican slobs
I look around with my eyes closed and say

eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck

America is going to have to fight
fight for her freedom from these chains
what are we going to do I say and say
some people like living eyes wide cuck
they want their freedoms taken away
I say this with much dismay
but with any luck things will change
no longer will we live in Trumplandia
we’ll find some freedom again
people won’t feel the need to flee
the land of the free
but for the time being it seems
we’ll get no relief from these things
Mr. Bannon has the keys to the car
he’s hitting us really hard
it’s going to leave a bruise and a scar

eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck

‘Lordy’ — Lyrics To An Anti-Trump Rap Protest Song

These lyrics aim to be something akin to Kanye West’s “Monster.” I am not suggesting that I am nearly as good a writer as the people who produced that song, but I do enjoy telling stories in verse and so this is me trying my hand with rap lyrics. The usual issues of this being written really fast and the fact that the system is built on preventing people people like me from breaking into the industry. Though this is supposed to be a homage to Kanye West, the structure is probably a little closer to an old school hip-hop song.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

Comey came to the Capitol
not looking to pay
he came to slay
he came to say
the president is a lair
it’s obvious for the blind to see
he may be nascent to the scene
but he’s the worst leader to be seen
we all know there are no tapes
the only tapes that exist
are the ones with hookers pissing on sheets
my life won’t be complete until I see those tapes
cause the FBI got its eyes on this Trump guy
we all know the hooker tapes exist

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

so we’re stuck with the insane
this is the new normal I’m afraid
the president and FBI have come to blows
come to rhetorical blows
when two tribes fight
only our enemies find delight
we seem to be out of luck
but we have control of our fate
we could have elected Hillary
yet what do we have now
but a liar and traitor
pushing liberty aside
for whatever reason, you decide

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

so when Judgment Day comes
and the Vichy Republicans get a backbone
maybe we’ll find out one way or another
if there are tapes or not
but until that day let’s rage against the night
’cause Trumplandia has conquered America
there’s no fighting back these days
I still have hope though
that one day we’ll get the truth
one day we’ll see the tapes
the tapes of Russian hookers pissing in place

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

‘Theresa May’ — Lyrics To A Pop-Rock Dance Song

The music to would be something akin to The Knack’s My Sharona, though the hook would be influenced by old school rap. This would be one level about a girl who won’t commit, while on another level it would be about a hung Parliament.

Theresa May
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

she’s the leader of the people
gives us all a scare
she won’t tell us yes or no
she’s always seems on the go
will we leave the union or not
that’s all we as

Theresa May
May not
Theresa May
May not

what we’re going to do next
is anyone’s guess
will she hold Trump’s hand
so he won’t fall
will she cut us off from the world
now that things are hung

I just can’t seem to get
the answer I want from her
she won’t give me an answer
all I know for sure is her name
Theresa May, Theresa May, Theresa May

Theresa May
May not
Theresa May
May not

so baby, don’t say maybe
give me what I want
give me an answer yes or no
something clear, don’t you know

she just smiles broadly
and says just you wait and see
I’ve got all the cards
maybe, maybe not

‘Lift This Cloud’ — Lyrics To An Anti-Trump Country-Pop Ballad

In my imagination, these lyrics would go with music similar to something like “Girl Crush” or “Million Reasons.” Something slow and melodic. Of course, you’d have to be kind of sly about how the lyrics are anti-Trump given that your typical country music listen probably would proudly consider themselves in the “basket of deplorables.”

Lift This Cloud
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you producer or perform

lift this cloud over our love
lift this cloud over our home
lift this cloud that I so bemoan
please lift this cloud
please lift this cloud
please lift this cloud

the rain seems on its way
it’s going to pour and pour
drive you away from me
the one I love and adore
please lift this cloud
please lift this cloud
for me

looking up at the sky
it seems though the cloud is here to stay
so lift that cloud as only you can
lift the cloud I say out loud
hoping you may listen to my plea

wish you’d call off this pain
with you’d call of this rain
lift this cloud
that’s giving me pain
without a doubt

let’s come together and hope
we’ll lift the cloud together
together so I don’t feel like a dope
we’re all going to find love again one day
this, at least, I pray

‘Honest Loyalty’ — Lyrics To Anti-Trump Ballad

One thing about Trumplandia is it constantly churns out song titles and lyrics. So, this would be a slow Radiohead type ballad of the OK Computer era. That’s the type of music I would like for this song, though the title does suggest something more akin to a mid-80s pop ballad or even a Bernie Taupin – Elton John type song. Anyway, I need to vent about Trumplandia in verse and you get this. This would be a romantic duet, the more I think about it. The whole Trump – Comey thing would be kind of a subtext.

Honest Loyalty
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

you want me to kiss your ring
make me only sing your tune
I refuse to give you want you want
nothing will change I’m afraid
though you ask for my loyalty

[chorus – both]
I’m only prepared to give you
honest loyalty
honest loyalty
honest loyalty
take it or leave it

I vow to give you the world
if you give me your loyalty
give me what I crave
make it clear
you’ll always be mine
the rest will be divine

[bridge — both]
we thought we’d always be together
thought things would always break out way
but it seems as though only dismay
will hold sway

[chorus – both]
I’m only prepared to give you
honest loyalty
honest loyalty
honest loyalty
take it or leave it

‘Covfefe’ — Lyrics To An Anti-Trump Pop-Rock Protest Song

I have been reluctant to use this blog to write lyrics, but I enjoy writing lyrics too much, so even though for obvious legal reasons none of the lyrics I write will obviously ever be produced — the whole system of song writing is designed to prevent people like me from breaking into it — I have decided to write lyrics again anyway. The music for these lyrics in my imagination would be a peppy pop song. You would be so busy dancing that you wouldn’t really notice the lyric were kind of serious.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

walking down the street
smiling from my head to my feet
there’s a word that comes to mind
whenever I think of the blue wave
that will come crashing down on
our heads on election night my friend

covfefe, covfefe, covfefe
don’t let me waste your time
covfefe, covfefe, covfefe
what it means only we two know
late at night when love flows

but the people all around
think with my smile I’m a clown
I know, though, the cold hard truth
that only victory in November will do

covfefe means everything and nothing
as you can tell
it’s the word to wish someone well
when the blue wave reaches our shores
we’ll scream and shout and ask for more

covfefe, covfefe, covfefe
don’t let me waste your time
covfefe, covfefe, covfefe
what it means only we two know
late at night when love flows

what more can I do
what more can I say
but covfefe, covfefe, covfefe

things will soon be done
we’ll have our day in the sun
here’s what I want to exclaim
covfefe, covfefe, covfefe