by Shelt Garner
Jesus Christ, are these times that try men’s souls. Instead of doing the obvious thing and fucking indiciting ding-dong Trump, Attorney General Merrick Garland named the apparently VERY well qualified Jack Smith to be a Special Counsel.

I fear poor old Jack Smith has no fucking idea how much he is going to be in the middle of a huge maelstrom as each side engages in a pitch battle to frame every twitch that happens to come out of his office over the course of what will probably be a few years.
“That guy doesn’t know jack shit,” is probably going to be a running gag on the fucking boring, unfunny Gutfeld! TV show that somehow, strangely enough gets really good numbers from all those Boomers wanting to “own the libs” by watching something extremely bad and unfunny.
Anyway, the whole point of naming Jack Smith is to slow walk any action against Trump. By the time Smith finally gets around to doing anything, we’re either going to have a civil war, be a military junta or have transitioned into a MAGA-themed autocracy.
In other words, lulz.
And even if Trump does, somehow, face some accountability, such an event will turn him into a MAGA martyr and, well, there you go. That particular political dystopian hellscape writes itself.
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