We’re Stuck With Fucking Trump For The Rest of His Fucking Life, Baring A Revolution (Ugh)

by Shelt Garner

Despite all the gnashing of teeth by liberals and progressives, Trump simply is going nowhere for as long as he lives. He’s going to be president for life. I don’t know, exactly, he’ll do it, but he will.

He’s going to destroy everything before he shuffles off this mortal coil and it will take decades — generations maybe — for us to sort things out afterwards. I think that’s Trump’s historical purpose — to destroy the Second American Republic founded by Lincoln.

What happens after that, I don’t know.

Probably some sort of dystopian techno-autocracy is my best guess. Maybe the Singularity will come while Trump’s still alive and Elon Musk will upload Trump’s into the cloud and he’ll be our Max Headroom-style AI overlord.

Now, obvious, we might have a revolution — especially if Social Security checks stop being cut on time — but then we’d have a civil war and I really would prefer not to have either one of those things happen.

I just want to live in a traditional liberal (Western) democracy. But that is not to be because we just don’t have to grit to fight back against Trump. We’re totally fucked. Totally, completely fucked at least for the rest of my life.

Leave the country if you have the means.

I Got Nothing Against The FBI

by Shelt Garner

While my rhetoric about the FBI may have grown a bit more heated of late, it’s more about me fucking hating what Trump is doing to it than anything else. My sole encounter with the FBI — when I talked to one of the PR people about an element of my novel — was quite pleasant.

It’s because I trust and like the FBI that I’ve grown so fucking angry over what’s going on with it. It’s being corrupted and turned into a fucking arm of the Trump campaign.

Anyway. Live long and prosper, guys. You deserve better.

Why I Don’t Think The Trump-Musk Dope Show Is A ‘Smash & Grab’ Operation

by Shelt Garner

Anyone who thinks the next major Federal election will be free and fair is a fool. The whole thing is going to be so rigged that the already cocky MAGA is going to take things to the next level. That’s why I think all this talk about the reason why Trump and Musk are acting so fast is it’s a “smash and grab” operation before the next election is just dumb.

We’re totally, completely fucked. Totally. The end. It’s over. Stick a fork in America, it’s cooked. There’s no going back. Either we have a revolution then a civil war (which I don’t want) or we turn into a legalistic autocracy like in Russia.

There is no longer any middle grown, no more “muddling through.” That option is long gone.

So, get out of the country while you still can. Maybe my novel will be a hit and I can get out eventually, too. But the way things are going, I’m going to be pushed out a window by either a weaponized ICE or FBI.


Things Are Dire, Folks

by Shelt Garner

I fear this is it — American democracy is dead. There’s no going back. Or, put another way, either we have a revolution then civil war that Blues win or we slip into a legalistic autocracy like they have in Russia.

That’s it, those are our two choices.

I say this primarily because Trump and MAGA are not acting like they’re ever going to have another free-and-fair election to face — ever. And instead of anyone putting up a fight, group after group, institution after institution, just gives up and bends a knee to Trump.

So, there you go. It’s over folks. And the real question is not that it will get bad, but how bad, exactly, it will get — especially for me! There’s going to come a point when Trumplandia comes for even nobodies like me living in oblivion, to make a point, if nothing else.

I can only talk my way out of so much.

So, lulz, for the time being, I’m going to be a man in a high castle and work on my thriller that I’ve been working on for years and years now. I’m hoping that I will sell the novel at just the right moment so I can get the fuck out of the United States and resettle somewhere a little less…autocratic.

But that’s just something I tell myself to give myself hope. I fear I’m fucked, guys.

Countdown To American Collapse: Rich People Have a Point

by Shelt Garner

Apparently, a lot of wealthy Americans are buying second homes outside the country in preperation for “domestic upheaval.” Sadly, I think they have a point. I think it’s at least possible — maybe 50 / 50 — that something will happen well before the next four years are up that will cause Trump to enact martial law.

One issue I struggle with is if Trump would cancel elections altogether. I have my doubts. Why cancel the elections — which would upset people — when you can just make them so unfree and so unfair that you win in a landslide and you can point to that during your illegal third term.

And, yet, some people far smarter — and far more successful — than I, seem to believe Trump wants to be “president for life” without allowing any elections — free and fair or otherwise — from happening.

I do think that Trump is so fucking stupid that it’s inevitable that he will do something that actually provokes Democrats into action. At the moment, Trump has free reign to do whatever the fuck he wants because Democrats are such pantywaists that they can’t get their act together to oppose him.

I worry about Trump finally doing something so stupid that he gets deposed then there’s a civil war because Red States get mad. Ugh.

The Second American Republic Is Dying

by Shelt Garner

There have been two American Republics to date — one founded by George Washington and another founded by Abraham Lincoln. The last one, the current one, is dying and the question is What Come’s Next?

It could go either way at the moment.

We could either simply slip into full-blown autocracy and that will be that or we depose Trump, have a civil war, the Good Guys (Blues) win and we establish a Third Republic.

I really, really don’t want a civil war, I’m just saying given how fucking tribal everything is, it seems like a civil war is the only way to eliminate MAGA as a political force. MAGA is a cancer that is eating our political system alive and we need some serious chemotherapy to get rid of it.

It’s not going to be fun and it’s not going to be pretty.

Again, I’m not advocating anything untoward, just saying what would have to be done to get rid of MAGA as a political force. As such, I think we’re stuck with MAGA and soon enough ICE or the FBI will murder me in cold blood because I won’t shut the fuck up about how much of a cocksucker I think Trump is.


‘Let Them Eat Cake’

by Shelt Garner

It definitely seems as though April’s Social Security checks are now in danger, the way people in the Trump regime are talking. If that happened, if nothing else, it will make a lot of people who are rather blasé about politics sit up and take notice.

A lot would depend on how long the delay was. If it was just a few days, that is one thing, but if it dragged on for weeks or months, that is a different matter altogether. People might actually get mad enough to risk their “lives and scared honor” IN THE REAL WORLD.

But…I have my doubts. Trump is an dictator and people are lulzing it. So it definitely seems as though this frog, as they say, is cooked. The country is just too big, to beholden to plutocrats — especially the media — for anything of note to happen.

And Trump has all the cards, all the power.

I just never see us having another free and fair election on the Federal level and Trump is probably going to run for an illegal third term and STILL people will lulz it all.

‘clears throat’

by Shelt Garner

This was bound to happen. Trump is determined to ruin everything — including the Social Security Administration — so I guess it was inevitable that shit like this would be proposed.

So, there you go. Millions of people may be in the lurch because Trump is a very stupid tyrant. If those checks are processed on time for April — and it definitely seems like that’s a possibility — all hell may break loose.

They’re Going To Deport Me To South Korea, The Way Things Are Going (FUCK TRUMP)

by Shelt Garner

As I constantly say, you go bankrupt gradually, then all at once and I’m growing a bit unnerved that ICE or the FBI is going to come after me at some point in the not-too-distant future.

I’m totally harmless and there’s no reason for anyone to want to lock me up other than I hate MAGA and can get into a diatribe about that fact here on this blog every once in a while.

And, yet, Trump is slowly circling the US like an anaconda and soon enough he will consolidate power to the point that he can strangle what little is left of our democracy altogether.

Really, the only issue is how far he will ultimately go. It is clear to me that he is probably finally going to do something really bad to the point that either he is deposed (don’t know how that will happen) or we lurch into being a legalistic autocracy like Russia.

It seems as though the thing Trump and Musk will do that will finally cause a lot of otherwise blasé people to sit up and take notice is something to do with the Social Security Administration. If it really does collapse and checks are delayed for a significant amount of time, that would probably be enough for massive demonstrations or maybe, just maybe some sort of General Strike.

But I have severe doubts about that. Americans just don’t think in those terms and ultimately Trump will consolidate power, run for an illegal third term, shuffle off this mortal coil and then whomever succeeds him will be our dictator for the rest of my life.

We Live In A Political Liminal Space (For The Moment?)

by Shelt Garner

Trump is pushing and pushing our political system to the breaking point…or is he? Maybe the our political system is just going to bend so far as to be unrecognizable.

It could be that we’ll have what I’ve heard as a “competitive autocracy.” And yet I wonder if we are heading towards some sort of final spasm of consolidation that turns us into a full-blow autocracy.

Maybe this is just a mid-way point. Maybe we’re in a transitional phase that isn’t over yet and this liminal space is just a temporary moment in time. I just don’t know it could go either way.

But I think what’s really happening, which is kind of dark, is Trump is going to be a Julius Cesar like transitional figure who destroys what’s left our democracy and we turn into a full-blown autocracy in the style of Russia.

Whenever Trump shuffles off this mortal coil, there will be a huge power struggle until we get the official successor who will be president for 30 to 40 years. That seems like one potential fate.

Of course, there’s a chance that Trump could finally do something so stupid that he gets deposed then there’s a civil war when Red States get mad and leave the Union. So, there is a wide range of possibilities.

Who knows what is going to happen. Probably whatever is the worst possible outcome.