A Disturbance In The Force

by Shelt Garner

There are a number of destabilizing things floating around these days that make me very uneasy. The chief amongst them is the weird far Left bullshit focused on the “Free Palestine” movement. It definitely seems as though some crazy person might use the Free Palestine agenda as the underpinning of something very dramatic and unexpected.

What that might be, I don’t know.

I am very empathetic to Free Palestine, I just don’t think violence is ever the proper way to achieve an objective. And I worry that some weird thing is going to come at us from left field between now and early 2025 that we just can’t predict that will totally put a different spin on things.

To the point that it might be the “Black Swan” even that forces us to rethink everything. I have no idea what that might be, but I am worried that something might happen that is so historic that it’s up there with 9/11. It could be that whatever bad juju we should have to worry about has already been excised as part of the January 6th Insurrection.

Who knows. But I do, in general, sense Something Big is brewing out there in the historical aether.

We Need That ‘Black Swan’ Event Really Bad, Folks

by Shelt Garner

Oh boy.

I can remember talking to a minor member of The Powers That Be in late 2019 and we both agreed that Trump was going to win re-election without much trouble. The COVID happened.

So, I dunno.

It will be interesting to see if some sort of “Black Swan” event happens that throws what seems inevitable, up into the air and nobody knows what is going to happen.

I think the key thing to remember is that 2024 – 2025 may be one of the most momentous, fucked up periods of time in American — if not global — history.