Mass Media In The Looming Age Of AI Agents

by Shelt Garner

The modern Web makes no sense in the context of AI Agents beginning to roll out in 2025 and beyond. I say this because it seems as though everything in media will revolve around AI Agents.

To the point that it makes no sense for there even to be Websites at all. Rather than, say, a New York Times website, there would be an AI Agent that talked to the AI Agents of individual users.

Or something like that. Something whereby the entirety of media is re-imagined in some way, the whole paradigm will be totally reworked with AI Agents at their center.

So, just as the Web and apps changed mass media, so, too, will AI Agents. It may take a few years, but I just don’t see the point of the Web or apps if everyone has an AI Agent built-in natively to your smartphone.

It will be interesting to see how, exactly, this will work out and how long it will take for the transformation to develop. But it’s coming — in a big way.

The AI Agent Singularity As The Final Death Knell For Print Media

by Shelt Garner

The print world of magazines and newspapers continues to retract and it seems as though the final blow will come when AI Agents make the Web moot. Or it could be that I’m not giving Vogue Magazine or The New York Times not enough credit — maybe they will figure out a way to thrive in a world where every Website and App has been replaced by an AI Agent.

It definitely will be interesting to see what happens.

They say you go bankrupt gradually, then all at once and it seems as though when everything is mediated through AI Agents, there may not be an room on the media landscape for print at all.

I hope I’m wrong. I really do. I love newspapers and magazines with all my heart and if I wasn’t such a fucking kook I probably would be an assistant editor at The Richmond Times-Dispatch right now with a wife and 2.5 kids.

But, alas, that never happened.

The Looming AI Agent Singularity: The End of The Web & Apps

by Shelt Garner

I’ve written about this before, but it every day it seems more and more clear that the Web is going to be consumed by AI Agents. And that doesn’t even begin to address how the app economy will implode, too.

It seems at least possible that everyone will have a personal AI Agent that is their sole interlocutor with the outside world. Your Agent will talk to all the other Agents that will now serve once were once the purposes of Websites and Apps.

Take, for instance, Twitter — it seems like a big gimmie that one day Twitter will be replaced by an AI agent that talks to YOUR AI Agent and you will just tell your AI agent what you want to post to whatever comes after Twitter.

Or maybe I’m thinking too small.

Maybe the entire Web and App economy will be consumed by the AI Agent Singularity to the point that something I can’t even imagine will take its place. That definitely seems like a possibility.