Jimmy Kimmel Either arrested in a really dramatic fashion or simply “disappeared.” He just won’t show up to work one day, but we’ll all know what happen to him.
Jimmy Fallon He’s such a suck up, that he should be fine. He will just suddenly be a lot more pro-MAGA and Trump in his monologue.
Stephen Colbert Defenestration, definitely. Given his mentality about such things, there’s going to be a new report that he fell out a window at the Ed Sullivan Theatre and that will be that. We’ll move on to the next thing.
Seth Myers Either canceled or disappeared.
Bonus: Saturday Night Live:It will “end” because Lorne Michaels has decided to retire and NBC will mysteriously decide not to keep it going without him.
But for the fact that I live in poverty, I would leave the country as soon as possible. Things are going to get pretty hot for people like me a lot sooner than you might think.
I have to accept that there is a pretty good chance that I’m either going to get pushed out a window for being a loud mouth anti-MAGA crank, or I’m going to end up in camp of some sort.
They say you go bankrupt gradually, then all at once and it definitely seems like this is the “…all at once part” of that equation.
But because my poverty is limiting my ability to go anywhere, I think I need to focus on working on my novel(s.) I’m slowly beginning to get out of the mental neutral I’ve been in the last few weeks.
The hope is that maybe I can, within a year, finish a novel or novels to the point that I can query one or more of them. I have half a mind to jump to the last novel in the projected six novel series simply because suddenly…it’s the most relevant of them all.
But there’s a problem — I really do have a lot of backstory that I want to tell readers about before I get to that point. And, yet, maybe there’s some way I can finagle it so I focus on the last two novels in a way that facilates me writing the prequels.
I don’t know. I’m still thinking about that particular situation. But anti-MAGA people are going to be in a pretty precarious situation pretty quick, given some of the rhetoric coming out of the Trump transition team.
As I keep saying, I like to think of myself a survivor and I just refuse to sit still and wait for the FBI or ICE to get rid of me. I do believe that once the shock wears off for Blues, that…oh boy.
Things are going to grow pretty existential and hairy pretty quick for everyone concerned.
I have to be prepared to be a minority of one, I guess. If I’m prepared to be the only person in the whole country opposed to Trump and MAGA if need be. I just fucking hate racism, misogyny and ignorance that much.
Or, alternately, I have to be prepared to become some sort of domestic political refugee.
I don’t know how or when that might happen, but it’s something I have to be prepared for. I really want to leave the country already — I’m ready to become an expat again — I just don’t know where or how I would go.
The United States’ population is so big that even if a few percent of the population fled, it would have huge consequences for the greater global culture. I’ve given it some thought, and I think if a lot of Americans began to flee the States, they would go to Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and maybe the Philippines.
The fear is, of course, that the States are about to implode.
It would happen because Trump is so lazy and stupid that he would rile Blues up by doing something really crazy like using Red National Guard units on Blue States — something he has repeatedly explicitly said he is interested in doing, as I understand it.
Anyway. I’m going to turn my attention to my novel again. It’s all I got. I’m going to try — try — to simply ignore the news until something happens that directly influences my life.
It is clear that MAGA is now ascendant. The question, of course, is what does that mean in practical terms. A lot of people voted for MAGA on the basis of abstract fears or anger towards brown people, or gays, or what have you. But when Trump actually starts to govern as a fascist dictator, it makes you wonder what the reaction will be.
As always, let me be clear — I’m not advocating anything! I’m just trying to make my abstract fears concrete.
Trump wants to do a lot — A LOT — of things that if he actually did them on a practical basis they would really make a lot of people upset. Just the issue of deporting 20 million people alone will rile up Blues in an unprecedented fashion.
As I keep saying, if Trump was smart — which he is not — he would do a lot of the things he wants to do gradually and somewhat on the sly. But he’s so stupid and lazy that he’s probably going to try to cram everything into his first 100 days.
If he literally begins to govern like a fascist dictator from day one, then, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Some pretty astonishing things *might* happen. Or, what do I know — maybe they won’t.
Maybe there might be a little bit of commotion here and there, but, in general, people will accept the changes and move on — or leave the country if they can. It’s going to be very interesting to see what, exactly, happens going forward.
It’s clear to me that the center-Left “resistance” to Trump is just a bunch of hot air. Smug Twitter liberals just aren’t prepared to risk their lives and scared honor in the real fucking world for what they believe in.
So, all Trump would have to do is simply be patient and gradually turn the United States into a legalistic autocracy like Russia and, well, there you go, we would have effectively a one-party state for the rest of my life.
But, and this is the huge but — Trump is a fucking lazy moron.
Now, before you pencil in a “push Shelt out a window” appointment, I’m not not advocating anything! I’m just pointing out the obvious — the United States just isn’t ready as of January 20th to go full autocracy. It’s very ripe for it, yes, but it would need to be a gradual transition because of how decentralize the country is in general.
Yet, I can’t predict the future. I have no idea what is going to happen. I have a hunch, but it might be that Trump surprises us all and is a bit more gradual than I expect when it comes to his thuggish tyranny.
I’m very poor — I live in poverty. And I’m bonkers, nuts even. But I do have the wherewithal to notice that if a civil war happens I’m in deep trouble given where I live.
To the point that I may have to flee my home as a domestic political refugee. I have at least one place I can go, but that would probably be temporary if things got bad enough.
I’m just glad I have a passport.
And, fuck you, MAGA. And any MAGA person reading this.
Autocrats notoriously are ill-tempered and thin skinned. And there are already rumblings that the income Trump administration has its sights on late night comedy.
As such, it seems clear that Something Bad may be about to happen to Saturday Night Live. It could be that the show might be canceled under the cover of Lorne Michaels “retiring” or something.
Or, it could be purged int some way, along with all the other late night TV shows. As an aside, it definitely will be interesting to see what the fate of Stephen Colbert is. The man has balls of steel in such situations.
All of this is going to happen in the context of Trump being dumb and lazy and rather ham-handed to the point that everyone is going to know it was him who ordered it.
I just can’t stop thinking about how unstable the country is going to be the moment Trump takes office. Some pretty dramatic and shocking things may happen in ways that there would be no obvious endgame.
So if Trump really did purge late night comedy, there would be consequences.
I’m beginning to worry that I may be on an FBI watch list or something. This is completely bonkers because I hate *conflict* much less any sort of *violence.* I do like to make my abstract fears concrete, though.
As such, I do run a lot of scenarios on this blog. I understand if the FBI might think I was advocating secession or revolution or rebellion or whatever, but I’m not! I’m just thinking outloud.
Now, obviously, with the return of fucking Trump my best course of action is to shut up and lay low. But simply fucking refuse to do that. I refuse to obey in advance.
So, there you go, I’m going to keep writing about what I want to write about and see what happens. If that means I end up in some sort of “resistance” detention center then camp, then, well, I guess that’s my fate.
Or maybe they’ll just push me out a window to make it more simple.
It appears as though a path may have been chosen. I have long believed that because Reds are politically ascendant that it would be Blues that ultimately either left the Union or otherwise caused the United States to buckle.
The datapoint that I am using to suggest that Blues are restless is that it seems as though a lot of Blues have given up on Twitter. That seems to be an indication that some sort of psychological cleaving is taking place in the nation at last.
And it’s only going get worse once dumb and lazy Trump is actually president. If he goes full tyrant right away, then a lot of the scenarios I’ve come up with that sound rather hysterical now may come true. If Trump was a true “great man” then, yeah, I could imagine him transitioning the country pretty adeptly into the fascist state that obviously about half the country wants it to be.
But Trump is an idiot.
Or, put another way — if something happens to Trump and J.D. Vance is doing the transition, then it will be pretty smooth. But Trump is so stupid and lazy that if he really does act like a dictator from day one — oh boy. Things could get really hectic really quick.
MAGA has a number of problems ahead of it when it comes to trying to consolidate power. The chief among them is how decentralized the country is. And Trump has made it clear that he’s prepared to use Red State National Guard on Blue States if they act up.
That is a recipe for disaster, if ever there was one.
What this all means, I don’t know. All I know is the *conditions* for something dramatic to happen exist. The Blues have a lot going for them if there is a direct match up between them and the Reds.
It seems to me that it would be more a matter of Blues deposing Trump as opposed to secession. That would, in turn, cause a secession crisis because Red States would get mad and leave the Union.
The point is — it’s at least possible that some rather astonishing things might happen to the United States in the next few months. Trump has repeatedly — REPEATEDLY — told us exactly what he plans to do.
He wants to rule as a dictator and if he does there’s going to be a reaction somewhere. And that doesn’t even begin to address what he plans to do with his new dictatorial bent. He’s going to attempt to round up 20 million people and kick them out of the country.
That, unto itself, could potentially cause the country to buckle.
And, there is, of course, the more personal issue of ME getting in trouble because of the return of Trumplandia. I really want to leave the country and never return. But, alas, I’m just too poor.
So, I guess I just wait for the knock on the door by ICE or the FBI or whomever.
Now that the United States has finally decided that it’s a fascist state, I’m going to recuse myself and simply work on my novel(s.) I’m feeling very rattled and down to the point that I fear I may actually be “depressed.”
I don’t know how long this will last. Probably I’ll snap out of it no later than at some point in 2025 when the FBI or ICE or whatever knock on my door and drag me away to be “vanished.”
I might as well just throw myself back into my novels and see what happens. There’s not much else I can do at this point.
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