by Shelt Garner
I’ve officially reached the age where I have to adjust my priorities. No longer can I dream wistfully of dating hot 24-year-olds and partying the night away. I have to put on my big-boy pants and realize there are two things to think about: time and money.

And, yet, I also keep seeing tech developments that make me wonder if maybe, just maybe a hard Singularity is going to happen in my lifetime to the point that I can live a lot — A LOT — longer than I might otherwise.
This gives me pause for thought.
I keep thinking of the Spacers in the Isaac Asimov universe of novels and how they had all these androids and lived for hundreds of years. Is that something that might happen in a post-Hard Singularity world in real life?

Could it be that everyone will have a personal android and they’ll live for 500 years? If I had an extra few hundred years to work with, I think I might be able to figure out away — eventually — to make something of myself.
And maybe Singularity technology would help me overcome how bonkers I am. Maybe. And, yet, maybe being bonkers is so essential to who I am that that is not something I can mess with without changing who I am altogether?
Who knows.
But I can’t get too wrapped up in things. I have to accept that barring something really unexpected, I’m very, very fucked at the moment.