by Shelt Garner
I go somewhere on a regular basis where I see an older woman dancing to golden oldie rock music. It kind of rattles my cage because I know in a few years, *I* will be like her and it makes me feel sad that there will come a point when I can’t rock out without looking like a fool.

So, just a moment ago, I was taken aback when Tik-Tok pushed me a video of a young man in a similar situation as what I’ve been through of late. Though, in this case the young man is bothered by his mom dancing to rock music at a stadium.
Now, of all the times Tik-Tok has seemingly “read my mind,” this is the one instance where I can see where it’s probably just co-incidence. But it was still eerie that something so specific relative to what’s been at the forefront of my mind was pushed to me.
Very strange indeed.