by Shelt Garner
Trump hates the Kennedy Center for a number of reasons, chief amongst them is it’s a symbol of all the cultured people who think he’s a piece of shit (which he is.) So, he wants to remake it in his own image — going so far as to name himself to lead it the damn thing.

This is another example of how dark things are and how even if we magically get a Blue President at some point in the future that the whole context will be different. This hypothetical president will spend their entire first term just figuring out how to cobble the Federal government back together and even then, like I said, the context will be different.
You can’t unring a bell, as they say.
We are so fucked. So totally and completely fucked. And I keep reviewing how right I got so much of this. I still think the only reason why we didn’t have a civil war was Trump won. Had he lost, there was a good chance he would have demanded a civil war.
And Blues just don’t have it in them to put up any sort of fight. Fuck MAGA, fuck Trump and fuck Musk is all I have to say. I might as well use my free speech while I still have it. They’ll come for me soon enough.