by Shelt Garner
The only way Trump and Musk’s reign of terror ends is if “centrists” get woke to what is going on. These are people who usually are the bedrock of any stable democracy but at the moment are pretty much totally in for MAGA, hence the fascist state we currently live in.

I would LIKE to THINK that if Social Security checks are cut and if Medicare and Medicaid are totally broken that Vichy centrists might be given pause for thought. And, yet, given how they are totally and completely in for the racist culture war elements of MAGA — and Musk — I suppose that is rather hopeful thinking.
But Vichy Centrists are definitely a group to keep an eye on as we go forward. They will be crucial to stopping the counter-revolutionary rampage that DODGE and its snot nose Incels are currently on within the Federal government. Ideally, I suppose, when Social Security checks aren’t cut, that will cause enough of an uproar that maybe, just maybe, Trump will cut Musk loose and we can go back to having Trump and his unfocused tendencies in control.

Yet I think Trump probably loves Musk’s terror too much. I just don’t see him doing anything like firing Musk. He’s probably going to use any public uproar to declare martial law and that will be that.