by Shelt Garner
I think that because it will really begin to sink in to people by March 15 what is going on if Social Security checks aren’t cut on time that that is a date to think about. Two weeks of no Social Security money will be enough for people to flood the streets in protest, then Trump sick Red State National Guards on them, people die and then martial law is declared.

So, there you go, by March 15, my worse hysterical doom shit that I’ve been ranting about might actually happen — Trump will rule by decree and the US will become a military dictatorship until, I don’t know, Trump gets around to calling a Constitutional Convention so he can be God-Emperor.

I wish I was joking, but the way things are going, that definitely seems like our fate. There is a chance that we’ll have a zombie democratic system whereby Trump rules by decree and just ignores the other two branches of government. And that would be the long-term consequence of Trump’s second (and third?) term — we would be a dictatorship with a lot of superfluous people in the government who were ignored.