by Shelt Garner
It’s clear to me that the center-Left “resistance” to Trump is just a bunch of hot air. Smug Twitter liberals just aren’t prepared to risk their lives and scared honor in the real fucking world for what they believe in.

So, all Trump would have to do is simply be patient and gradually turn the United States into a legalistic autocracy like Russia and, well, there you go, we would have effectively a one-party state for the rest of my life.
But, and this is the huge but — Trump is a fucking lazy moron.
As such, there’s a pretty good chance from day one he’ll do some pretty drastic things that will make a lot of otherwise very blasé liberals sit up and take notice. Either they will flee the country or they might even, I don’t know — fucking do something that might ruin their career or put their lives at stake.

Now, before you pencil in a “push Shelt out a window” appointment, I’m not not advocating anything! I’m just pointing out the obvious — the United States just isn’t ready as of January 20th to go full autocracy. It’s very ripe for it, yes, but it would need to be a gradual transition because of how decentralize the country is in general.
Yet, I can’t predict the future. I have no idea what is going to happen. I have a hunch, but it might be that Trump surprises us all and is a bit more gradual than I expect when it comes to his thuggish tyranny.