by Shelt Garner
I am still processing the fact that a malignant ding-dong like Trump won. Regardless of what the nattering nabobs of negativism may say, Kamala Harris ran a good campaign.

The issue is that the United States is a lot further down the road towards autocracy than any of us knew. So, there you go.
To me, the biggest issue at the moment going forward is what will be the reaction of Blues should Trump go “full tyrant.” If he would just ease us into being an autocratic state more like Hungary than Russia, then I think things would be fine.
But my fear is that Trump is so dumb and lazy that he will try to go from zero to 100 on the autocratic scale overnight and, well, that’s when there might be some problems. If Trump attempts to simply rule by decree the moment he becomes POTUS again, then there’s a real chance the country will buckle in some way and we’re going to have some sort of civil war.

I don’t want that, but it is something we have to contemplate going forward. But I am known to overthink things a great deal. As such, I think because of the collective temperament of Blues if nothing else, that lulz, Trump is going to turn us into something closer to Russia than Hungary.
But, remember, the counter-revolution that Trump is about to begin will be like all the others before it — it’s going to eat its young. Probably, specifically, the Jewish and gay members of its leadership.
It won’t happen immediately, but it will happen.
As for me, I’m just going to hunker down and work on my novels, etc.