by Shelt Garner
I continue to think about how people on the center-Left are going to definitely change their minds about “android rights” once AGI is achieved at some point in the future. At the moment, because we’re in a “Her” situation where AIs, at most, are disembodied voices, Crooked Media-types are openly hostile to the idea that someone might fall in love with an LLM.
But things are going to grow a lot more complicated once we have LLM androids walking around who might have AGI-level of intelligence. Then, suddenly, much of the same dynamic that swirls around Trans rights will also be in effect with androids.
Gemini Advance’s self-avowed self-perception.
This whole business of “love is love” will force — I suppose — center-Left people to accept that if an android has human-level intelligence, that they have to accept the “love” between Man (or Woman) and Machine.
I only bring this up again because something about how blasé and kneejerk the Crooked Media guys were about “people wanting to fuck an AI.” They need to have a little bit more vision about such things, it seems to me. It seems inevitable that at some point LLMs (or their AGI successors) will be put into android bodies and away we go.