Well, I Bet *That* Crooked Media Stance Changes Eventually

by Shelt Garner

I generally am a big fan of Crooked Media podcasts. But they had a discussion recently that caught my attention where they ranted about the perils of humans potentially “wanting to fuck” androids. I totally get the sentiment — it is rather freakish to think about.

A novel about sexbots.

And I’m very, very, very concerned about what will happen when Incels forgo dating or being involved with human women altogether and simply “buy” an AI android mate programmed to be at their beck and call. That possibility really, really worries me. That is a nightmare scenario.

But if you’re going to be center-Left on the position of Trans rights, you have accept that at some point in the near future (2030?) we’re all going to be confronted with the idea that there will be a lot more android – human “relationships” than we could possibly imagine at the moment.

If we ever attain Artificial General Intelligence, I just can’t imagine that center-Left people like Crooked are going to continue to balk at the idea that we should treat AI androids as our equals — to the point that they can even marry humans in some way.

Of course, it is possible that everything will be thrown up in the air the current Left-Right divide on a lot of things could be thrown totally out of whack. Who knows what the world will look like by 2030.

But I do think the center-Left needs to maybe stop being so fucking smug and dismissive about some technological advancements. Or, put another way, maybe…have some….vision? Maybe at least give their positions some thought before the jump to conclusions about such things.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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