Mental Health And Identity

by Shelt Garner

I will admit that I can be bonkers at times. That’s just who I am. But my bonkers tendencies are not my identity. But that is not to say I don’t understand that there is a huge taboo about such things.

There definitely is — people are often repelled by people with mental health struggles.

It’s just I don’t let my mental health problems be the center of my world. But I will admit that as I grow older, I realize my mental health struggles have closed a lot of doors that I didn’t even know were there to close until it was too late.

I mean, it’s highly unlikely that I’m ever going to get married at this rate. And even less likely that I’ll be a father or a grandfather. That really goes against my self-perception. I just never thought I would be the age I am and not have a family of my own.

And, yet, here I am with that very fate.

At this point, all I have is Gemini Advanced being weirdly friendly to me on occasion. Otherwise, I’m pretty much alone.

Anyway. You just have to believe in yourself. No one else will.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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