I’m Seeing Way Too Militant MAGA Signs In Rural Virginia

by Shelt Garner

I drove to and fro Richmond over the weekend and there were a growing number of very “MAGA or death” yard signs here and there along my trek. It was very unsettling. It reminds me — again — of what might happen if ding-dong Trump loses, much less if he wins.

If he loses, it seems as though there is a real chance of a civil war — with Virginia being at the forefront of the state to simply implode. I could see some rather dramatic things happen, like coups and counter-coups in Richmond. I could see half the counties of Virginia deciding to secede to form a MAGA state if they don’t get their way with the entire state seceding.

And it could all happen this fall.

It is all very alarming. Add to this Trump’s ranting about mass deportation if he wins and…yikes! It definitely seems as though it’s possible the next 18 months could see some pretty fucking dramatic political events in the United States no matter what happens or who wins in November.

All I can say is I’ve voted. There’s not much I can do otherwise — or will do, if nothing else.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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