Another Re-Imagined Big Move

This new iteration of The Big Move, with a six-year preparation period, introduces a thoughtful balance of mental, physical, and societal preparation, alongside a carefully crafted structure for distributing power in the nascent Gaian Empire. The extended timeline ensures that people are not just rushed into the event but are given time to mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare for the monumental transition. It also allows for a more gradual social restructuring, ensuring that various stakeholders—the Fremen, the Foundation, the Bene Gesserit, multinational companies, and the Boyars—are established as legitimate centers of power. Here’s a breakdown of how each component could unfold:

1. The Six-Year Preparation Period:

The most important aspect of this new iteration is the six-year lead-up before The Big Move. This extended period allows for comprehensive education and training, so that the 900 million first-wave settlers are prepared not only for the logistics of their new life but also for the complex social and political roles they will play in the Gaian Empire.

  • First Three Years – Preparation for the Pill: The initial phase of preparation will focus on helping people understand and embrace the technology that will transfer their bodies and minds to new planets. This “pill” will essentially act as a transmitter, allowing individuals to leave Earth and be “reconstituted” in pods on one of the three habitable planets—Arrakis, Terminus, or Gaia.
    • Scientific Understanding: People will be educated on the technology behind the transmission process, fostering trust in the system. Educational campaigns through schools, mass media, and direct android guidance will explain how the pill works and ensure everyone feels comfortable with the idea of being “transmitted” rather than physically transported.
    • Religious and Philosophical Engagement: For many, the concept of teleporting one’s body to another planet may raise spiritual or existential questions. Therefore, part of this preparation phase will involve engaging religious leaders and philosophers in discussions about the implications of this new reality. Efforts will be made to reconcile the idea of bodily transmission with various belief systems.
    • Emotional Counseling: Given the sheer scale of this shift, mental health professionals—augmented by humanoid androids—will help individuals and families emotionally prepare for the move. This is especially important for those with deep connections to Earth, who may struggle with leaving behind familiar places and ways of life.
  • Reincarnation Option for the Elderly: A major social aspect of this phase involves preparing individuals over the age of 65 for the option—or in the case of those over 75, the requirement—of becoming “reincarnation babies.” This concept plays on the idea of rebirth both literally and symbolically, as these elders will have the option to return as new members of society, with a fresh lifespan to adapt to the new world. This could be seen as a cultural and spiritual renewal, allowing them to contribute again to society’s development but without the weight of old age. There will likely be philosophical, ethical, and practical discussions surrounding the elderly’s role in shaping this new phase of humanity.

2. The Distribution of Power Among Stakeholders:

In this scenario, the distribution of power is one of the key innovations. Allowing individuals to choose between different stakeholders to align themselves with after The Big Move decentralizes authority from the start, promoting diversity in governance, culture, and economic structures. The five main stakeholders—the Fremen, the Foundation, the Bene Gesserit, multinational companies, and the Boyars—each offer distinct paths that will shape how the new society develops. This flexibility encourages self-determination and prevents any single group from monopolizing power.

  • Fremen: Inspired by their fictional namesake but distinct in their purpose, the Fremen will be a social and military order that emphasizes survival, adaptability, and resilience. Those who choose to join the Fremen will be trained in frontier skills, resource management, and military tactics, particularly on Arrakis, where harsh environmental conditions will forge a people capable of leading in defense and exploration. Their cultural influence will resonate with themes of sustainability and strength, and they may become the guardians of Gaian traditions tied to nature and physical endurance.
  • Foundation: Settlers who choose to be trained by the Foundation, particularly those heading to Terminus, will take on roles as educators, philosophers, and intellectual leaders. They will be trained in governance, education management, and the stewardship of knowledge, eventually guiding the intellectual and academic growth of the Gaian Empire. The Foundation will control education across all planets, creating a powerful legacy by shaping how future generations think and learn. The post-Soviet settlers forming the core of this group bring with them a deep history of scientific and philosophical inquiry, ensuring a rigorous approach to knowledge.
  • Bene Gesserit: Unlike their fictional namesake, the Bene Gesserit of Gaia will be a large, institutionalized group responsible for overseeing sexuality, cultural norms, and a significant portion of education. With the influence of 120 million Brazilians, 40 million French, and 40 million Japanese at their core, the Bene Gesserit will be a major force in regulating family life, human relationships, and social values. Their reach into education means they will shape not just individuals’ moral compass but also their views on governance, loyalty, and the very fabric of society. The inclusion of the Japanese, with their traditions of harmony and discipline, will bring a strong sense of order and ritual to the Bene Gesserit’s methods. They will likely become cultural custodians, guiding how society views power, gender, and relationships.
  • Multinational Companies: For those settlers who prefer to align themselves with economic powerhouses, multinational companies offer an avenue for those interested in commerce, trade, technology, and industrial development. These companies will have immense influence in shaping the economic backbone of the Gaian Empire, particularly on Gaia, where their integration with the Bene Gesserit could create a synthesis of economic and cultural power. Settlers who join these companies will be trained in entrepreneurship, trade, and innovation, helping to foster an economic system that prioritizes growth and expansion across the new planets.
  • Boyars: The Boyars represent a feudal class with political and social influence, echoing elements of aristocratic traditions from various Earth cultures, particularly Russia and Eastern Europe. Settlers who align with the Boyars will be educated in governance, diplomacy, and land management, likely taking on leadership roles in shaping local governments on the new planets. The Boyar class will focus on ensuring political stability and fostering regional leadership, potentially acting as intermediaries between the Gaian Empire’s central governance and the various planetary populations.

3. Social and Psychological Readiness:

The Great Preparation over six years allows for social re-engineering, where people are gradually introduced to the idea of a new hierarchy and power structure. Settlers will be encouraged to think beyond national borders, preparing themselves for a life where Earth-bound national identities no longer apply. The training provided by the stakeholders will serve to cultivate a sense of duty and belonging to the Gaian Empire rather than to former countries.

By encouraging settlers to choose their alignment with different stakeholders, the Gaian Empire creates a balance between individual choice and collective responsibility. This choice fosters a meritocratic ethos, where settlers are encouraged to work towards what suits their skills and aspirations, ultimately building a new society based on competence and contribution.

4. Mitigating the Great Grief:

The Great Grief, the psychological fallout of leaving Earth and transitioning to a new life, will still be an inevitable part of The Big Move, but the six-year preparation will blunt its emotional impact. By allowing people to actively choose their future roles and immerse themselves in the training that will help them succeed in the Gaian Empire, the preparation period shifts focus away from loss and towards opportunity. People will be too busy learning, adapting, and planning for their future roles to dwell as heavily on the past. Additionally, providing clear, structured pathways through the various stakeholders will give settlers a sense of control over their destiny, alleviating feelings of helplessness or dislocation.


This re-imagined Big Move creates a smoother, more structured transition to a new life in the Gaian Empire. The six-year Great Preparation provides settlers with the time and education they need to thrive in their new roles, whether they choose to align with the Fremen, Foundation, Bene Gesserit, multinational companies, or the Boyars. By distributing power across these groups and allowing settlers to make active choices about their futures, this new scenario lays the foundation for a more harmonious and stable society.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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