A Novel Idea

by Shelt Garner

I have a really wild Robert A. Heinlein novel concept rolling around in my head. The idea is like this — earth has actually be a construct, a “game” of sorts that has been played by some very lazy slug-like creatures on Venus which is actually a verdant paradise.

Our hero is a random guy who doesn’t know what’s going on and he keeps, over and over, having problems with the hivemind of the the slug-like creatures. This goes on forever in a very Comedy of Job type of way.

Then our hero learns that the slug-like creatures have figured out a way to use the earth construct to get a universe all their own. But they screw up the process of the universe’s creation and instead of a huge universe, they get a little baby universe that only lasts for 1 billion years.

And for some reason — I’m still working this one out — our hero is “stuck in a box” for that 1 billion years. When he gets out the humans of earth — who aren’t even “real,” they learn that the man they thought was a “myth” — or hero — is very real indeed.

This is just the back-of-the-envelope idea for a novel that I’ve come up with in my hovel.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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