The Big Move — The Great Sorrow & The Jakors

This reimagined scenario, with its new cultural compositions across Gaia, Arrakis (Dune), and Terminus, adds complexity and depth to the social and political landscape of each planet. By introducing the Jakors (a fusion of Koreans and Japanese) as key stakeholders, not only in the early days of the Great Sorrow but also in the local governance structures afterward, you set the stage for a unique fusion of governance, military discipline, and cultural influence across the Gaian system. Here’s a breakdown of how these changes could shape each planet and its society:

Gaia: A Multicultural Powerhouse

On Gaia, with its 100 million Brazilians, 20 million Koreans, 20 million Japanese, 60 million Americans, and 100 million Europeans (including French, Italians, Greeks, Turks, and others), we see a melting pot that blends distinct traditions, governance styles, and social norms. This diversity will create a vibrant, culturally rich society with deep interconnections between various groups.

  • Jakors: The New Guardians of Order: The Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) play a crucial role in stabilizing society during the Great Sorrow. Their presence as shock troops in the early days indicates that they are the most disciplined, organized, and resilient forces on Gaia. Rooted in the shared values of discipline, honor, and service, the Jakors will efficiently handle the chaos of the Big Move, ensuring that society remains functional. Post-Great Sorrow, their governance style will likely be hierarchical, efficient, and community-focused, blending Korean Confucianism and Japanese collectivism. Jakors will ensure that local governments run smoothly, applying their methodical approach to infrastructure, education, and public safety. As administrators, they will foster tight-knit, orderly communities that prioritize collective well-being.
  • Brazilian Influence: Joy and Adaptability: As the largest group on Gaia, Brazilians will bring their unique energy, creativity, and adaptability to the societal mix. Their influence will counterbalance the more rigid aspects of Jakor governance, contributing a vibrant cultural scene full of music, art, and community spirit. Brazilians will likely dominate the cultural and social sectors, ensuring that Gaia remains a lively and dynamic place to live, even amid the challenges posed by the Great Sorrow.
  • Americans and Europeans: Intellectual and Technological Foundations: Americans will play a key role in innovation and pragmatism. They will likely take the lead in rebuilding Gaia’s technological infrastructure, ensuring rapid modernization and economic recovery. Their entrepreneurial spirit will drive economic growth, while the Europeans, particularly the French, Italians, Greeks, and Turks, will provide intellectual and philosophical depth. With a history steeped in art, philosophy, and diplomacy, these European groups will contribute to the development of new governance systems, balancing cultural richness with practical concerns of governance.

Gaia will thus emerge from the Great Sorrow as a multicultural mosaic, with the Jakors providing disciplined leadership at the local level, Brazilians adding color and energy to everyday life, and Americans and Europeans contributing to the intellectual and technological backbone of the state.

Arrakis (Dune): A Transatlantic Stronghold

On Arrakis (Dune), with its 60 million Americans, 60 million non-American native English speakers, and 20 million Japanese and Koreans alongside a mix of Germans and other Europeans, we see a society heavily influenced by Anglo-American traditions but with a strong Asian presence in key areas.

  • Jakors: Strategic Control and Local Governance: On Arrakis, the Jakors will once again serve as the shock troops during the early days of the Great Sorrow, maintaining order and ensuring that the state survives. Given the planet’s rugged, survival-oriented setting (drawing inspiration from the harsh environment of Frank Herbert’s Dune), the Jakors will be invaluable in shaping military and strategic infrastructure. They will also administer local governance, ensuring that society is structured and efficient, drawing on their cultural emphasis on hierarchy, discipline, and community responsibility.
  • Anglo-American Influence: Pragmatism and Innovation: The combined presence of Americans, British, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders will make Arrakis a hub of pragmatic innovation. Anglo-American values of freedom, entrepreneurship, and technological progress will drive the rapid rebuilding of the state, with an emphasis on modernization and infrastructure development. This influence will ensure that Arrakis has a robust economy and a forward-looking society, capable of adapting quickly to new challenges.
  • European Contribution: Diplomacy and Philosophy: The Germans and other Europeans on Arrakis will contribute to the intellectual and philosophical development of society, much like their counterparts on Gaia. German efficiency and precision will complement the innovation-driven culture of the Anglo-Americans, while the influence of other European nations will ensure that the planet’s governance and educational systems are sophisticated and well-rounded.

Arrakis will thus be a planet that values pragmatism, discipline, and innovation, with Jakors providing stability and military strength, while the Anglo-Americans lead in rebuilding the economy and infrastructure.

Terminus: A Fusion of American Individualism and Post-Soviet Resilience

On Terminus, the population is dominated by 60 million Americans, 120 million post-Soviet citizens, and 20 million Japanese and Koreans, along with other Europeans. This mix creates a unique blend of American individualism and post-Soviet resilience, with Jakors acting as stabilizers.

  • Jakors: Order in Chaos: On Terminus, the Jakors will again serve as the shock troops and local administrators during and after the Great Sorrow. Their disciplined and hierarchical approach will provide much-needed stability in a society that could otherwise struggle with the cultural tensions between American individualism and post-Soviet collectivism. Jakors will be instrumental in creating the local governance structures that maintain peace and order on Terminus, applying their expertise in administration and military strategy.
  • Americans: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: As on the other planets, the Americans on Terminus will drive innovation and technological advancement, pushing society forward through entrepreneurship and a can-do attitude. Their influence will create a society that values freedom, independence, and progress, though their individualism may clash with the more collectivist tendencies of the post-Soviet population.
  • Post-Soviet Citizens: Resilience and Collective Action: The 120 million post-Soviet citizens on Terminus will bring a strong sense of resilience and collective action, drawing on their historical experiences of survival in difficult circumstances. They will contribute to the social cohesion of Terminus, ensuring that the planet’s society remains stable even in the face of hardship. Their collectivist ethos will balance out American individualism, creating a society that values both personal freedom and collective responsibility.

Terminus will thus be a planet marked by cultural tension and fusion, with Jakors providing the stability and discipline needed to keep the state functional, while Americans push for progress and post-Soviet citizens ensure resilience.

The Jakors: The Backbone of Local Governance

Across all three planets, the Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) will play a pivotal role. As shock troops during the Great Sorrow, they will be responsible for stabilizing society in the immediate aftermath of the Big Move. Their ability to organize, discipline, and lead will allow them to take control of local governance, ensuring that basic functions like food distribution, security, and infrastructure continue to operate even amid the chaos.

Post-Great Sorrow, the Jakors will transition into local administrators, providing a stable and efficient framework for governance. Their hierarchical, community-oriented approach will ensure that local governments on each planet remain functional, disciplined, and responsive to the needs of the people. They will become the backbone of the Gaian state, trusted by the central government to manage affairs at the ground level.

In summary, the newly envisioned societies of Gaia, Arrakis, and Terminus will be shaped by their diverse populations, with the Jakors emerging as the crucial stabilizing force during and after the Great Sorrow. Each planet will develop its own unique identity, driven by the interplay between the various cultural influences, but the Jakors will ensure that the state remains strong and resilient, providing the foundation for the future of the Gaian system.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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