The Big Move — The Great Sorrow, Continued

In the aftermath of The Big Move, when the dissolution of the previous State has left a power vacuum and societal structures in disarray, the implementation of a temporary, one Gaian Standard Year (GSY) period of “War Communism” will serve as a necessary bridge to recovery. This War Communism, facilitated by telepathic communication—enabled by the gifts of the Justified and the Ancient—will ensure that the critical infrastructure of the Gaian State continues to function amid the massive disruption caused by the Move. The unprecedented ability of the population to communicate instantly and telepathically will allow for rapid coordination across vast distances and across the three planets, circumventing the traditional barriers to rebuilding society.

During this period, the Fremen will take on pivotal roles, becoming the cornerstone of the new Gaian order and the force that bootstraps society back from chaos to stability. Their telepathic abilities will allow them to serve in two key designations: Grief Counselors and Anjushees. Alongside them, in the domestic sphere, the Duelas and Ahjumas will work to maintain the stability of the nuclear family and ensure that home and hearth issues do not collapse under the strain of societal restructuring.

The Role of War Communism and Telepathic Coordination

The introduction of a telepathically facilitated War Communism during the Great Sorrow is crucial to maintaining essential infrastructure and state functions. The total collapse of state institutions after the Big Move necessitates immediate action, and telepathic communication will be the glue that holds society together in these early, fragile days. This system of War Communism will involve:

  • Centralized Resource Distribution: With the entire population able to communicate telepathically, resources—such as food, medical supplies, and housing—can be allocated with unprecedented efficiency. Any shortages or logistical bottlenecks can be instantly flagged, and the infrastructure needed to transport or distribute goods can be directed in real-time. This ensures that no one is left without basic necessities, even as the larger social and political order is reformed.
  • State Control Over Labor and Services: In the spirit of War Communism, labor will be highly centralized and directed where it is needed most. Whether it be rebuilding physical infrastructure, running essential services, or organizing temporary governance systems, the population will be telepathically mobilized to restore the basic functions of the state. This will prevent the chaos that might otherwise ensue as millions of people are resettled on new planets with minimal preparation.

The Fremen, with their devotion to the God Emperor and their background in national security and military establishments, will naturally rise to positions of authority during this period. Their discipline and ability to endure extreme conditions will allow them to take on leadership roles in the War Communism effort, guiding society through its darkest hours with an unwavering focus on the state’s survival and eventual recovery.

The Two Designations of Fremen: Grief Counselors and Anjushees

Within this system, the Fremen will have two distinct roles, reflecting the balance between the emotional and practical needs of society during the Great Sorrow.

Grief Counselors: Emotional Stabilizers

The Grief Counselors will focus on helping the population cope with the emotional trauma of the Big Move. Many will have lost loved ones, while others will struggle with the shock of being abruptly relocated to a new world with unfamiliar surroundings. The Grief Counselors will use their telepathic abilities to provide comfort and support, offering empathy and guidance on an individual level while helping to maintain broader social cohesion.

Their tasks will include:

  • Providing Emotional Support: In the early days of the Great Sorrow, people will be overwhelmed by grief, anxiety, and confusion. Grief Counselors will use their telepathic connection to provide immediate emotional support, easing the mental burden on individuals and helping them process their trauma.
  • Organizing Support Networks: The Grief Counselors will help create telepathically linked support groups, where people can share their feelings, memories, and experiences. This collective approach will foster a sense of community and reduce the isolation that many settlers may feel in their new environment.

Anjushees: The Male Building Blocks of the New Order

The Anjushees will be the male counterpart to the Grief Counselors, focusing more on the practical and structural rebuilding of society. Drawing inspiration from the Korean concept of the “Anjushee”—a term often used to refer to older men with a respected, stable presence in the community—these Fremen will act as the foundational pillars of the new order, organizing labor, rebuilding infrastructure, and ensuring that the basic needs of society are met.

Their responsibilities will include:

  • Rebuilding Infrastructure: Anjushees will coordinate efforts to rebuild roads, housing, and essential services that have been disrupted by the Big Move. Their telepathic abilities will allow them to mobilize labor efficiently, communicating instantly with large groups and ensuring that resources are directed where they are most needed.
  • Maintaining Order: With society in chaos, the Anjushees will play a key role in maintaining law and order. Their deep commitment to the state, along with their military background, will make them natural leaders during this period of upheaval. They will enforce the centralized distribution of resources and ensure that societal functions do not collapse under the strain of the Great Sorrow.

Together, the Grief Counselors and Anjushees will form the backbone of the early recovery effort, balancing the emotional and practical needs of the population as they adjust to life on the new planets.

The Domestic Sphere: Duelas and Ahjumas

While the Fremen focus on rebuilding the external structures of society, the internal, domestic world will also need careful management to ensure that families remain intact and stable. This responsibility will fall to the Bene Gesserit Duelas and the Ahjumas, who will work to maintain the nuclear family and ensure the smooth functioning of home and hearth issues.

Duelas: Facilitating Childbirth and Domestic Stability

The Duelas, largely drawn from Brazilian and French backgrounds, will focus on maternal and child health, ensuring that women who were pregnant at the moment of the Big Move receive the care they need. They will act as midwives and caregivers, assisting in childbirth, providing maternal support, and stabilizing the emotional well-being of the family unit.

Their tasks will include:

  • Supporting Pregnant Women: The Duelas will assist in childbirth and provide postnatal care, ensuring that both mothers and infants receive the necessary attention during this tumultuous period. Their presence will be critical in preventing infant mortality and ensuring the health of future generations.
  • Maintaining Family Cohesion: By focusing on the needs of the nuclear family, the Duelas will help prevent the breakdown of family units. Their guidance will offer emotional stability and ensure that domestic life continues to function even in the midst of broader societal chaos.

Ahjumas: The Pillars of Home and Hearth

The Ahjumas, drawn from the cultural archetype of the Korean “Ahjumma”—a term referring to older women who manage households with authority and care—will play a pivotal role in stabilizing family life. While the Duelas focus on maternal health, the Ahjumas will manage the day-to-day needs of the family, ensuring that homes are functioning smoothly, children are cared for, and that there is food on the table.

Their responsibilities will include:

  • Managing Domestic Life: Ahjumas will oversee household management, providing practical support to ensure that families can function normally during the recovery period. This will include organizing meals, childcare, and household chores, allowing the nuclear family to remain a stable foundation in the rebuilding process.
  • Creating Networks of Support: Much like the Grief Counselors, the Ahjumas will create telepathic support networks among families, offering guidance and advice on how to manage domestic life during the Great Sorrow.

Conclusion: Rebuilding the State from the Inside Out

Together, the Fremen (as Grief Counselors and Anjushees), Duelas, and Ahjumas will form the bedrock of the new Gaian society. Their ability to maintain both the external and internal functions of society during the critical period of War Communism will ensure that the infrastructure of the state continues unabated, even as the population deals with the immense shock of the Big Move.

As society begins to cool down and reform, the roles of these groups will continue to evolve, but their early work in stabilizing both the emotional and practical needs of the population will leave a lasting impact. The telepathic communication that enables War Communism will provide the initial means to rebuild society, but the careful balance between emotional, practical, and domestic leadership will be what ensures that the Gaian State emerges from the Great Sorrow stronger and more unified than ever before.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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