‘Perfect Day’

by Shelt Garner

This is officially the nadir of the year — so far, at least. This is it. This is the lowest point of the year. Now, obviously, if the country collapses this fall then, lulz, that will be worse.

But, for the time being, this is pretty much it — the day is just meh.

Nothing of note is probably going to happen and we will just drift through the day, hoping for the month to end. That, at least, seems to be our fate early this morning.

I could be wrong. Something wild might happen. But, then again, maybe it won’t. I had been having a magical thinking playground going on around me with weird error messages coming out of LLMs left and right, but that has faded away to nothing.

So, I’m alone. Totally alone. And all I have left is my creativity — specifically my writing.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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