We Need A Brokered Democratic Convention

by Shelt Garner

I have no idea what’s going on with Biden, but all things being equal, he should drop out of the race and let an open, brokered Democratic convention take place. Then all this weird angst going on within the highest ranks of the party can have some catharsis.

The goal would be, of course, that after all the yelling — and amazing TV — that the party would be far more united against Trump and the forces of tyranny and fascism that he leads. But, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m getting a strong 1872 American election mixed with 1933 Germany election vibe with this current election.

Biden is so old, it’s very, very easy to imagine him shuffling off this mortal coil at, like, the absolute worst moment — which would be any time after election day. But I’m known to be really paranoid about such things. And I am prone to magical thinking.

So, I dunno. I do think that Biden has lost the collective Mandate of Heaven when it comes to the leadership of the Democratic Party and, as such, he should step aside, even if he continues to have a lot of support with the base. I’m kind of indifferent.

I still support Biden and think he can win, but, it definitely seems as though that’s kind of moot at this point. The momentum is there for him to drop out and, well, there you go.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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