I Don’t Know What To Make Of Emrata

by Shelt Garner

On a personal basis, I really want to like Emily Ratajkowski, or Emrata. I continue to believe she’s the best looking public woman in the world. In general, I’ve found her personality to be endearing and languid.


And YET.

She has a tendency to be coy and say “who, me?” things.

She knows damn well that she’s a sex bomb and that that is why anyone pays any attention to her. And, from what I can tell, she is, in general, fairly smart. But then she turns around and makes Tik-Tok videos bemoaning that people won’t take her seriously because she shows cleavage.

Jesus Christ, woman, what else do you expect is going to happen?

But I will agree with her on one issue — women with bigger chests are not taken as seriously as their less buxom counterparts. It shouldn’t be so difficult for us, as a society, to allow a fuller-chested woman to both show some cleavage and to be taken seriously.

But, then, I’m an old man.


Hard MAGA Power Vs. Soft Woke Power

by Shelt Garner

One thing I’ve gleaned from talking to my far more conservative relatives — whom I love dearly — is their abject fear of some future tyranny coming not from the hard power of the state but the soft power of “woke corporations.”

Of course, they’re complicit in the rise of the American fascist corporate state because not only do they not take the looming fascism of MAGA seriously, but they because they, in general, agree with that fascism it would all be a lulz.

Not until the hard power of the MAGA fascist state is used to not only deport 20 million undocumented people — which they want — but to also murder me in cold blood — which they don’t want — will they take notice of how there is a definite difference between hard and soft power.

So, what happens is, conservatives would far rather conflate issues and get REALLY WORKED UP over the “abuses” of the woke than they would have to give serious answers to questions like, “What happens when the massive infrastructure built out to deport 20 million people is used to murder people you love?”

They usually either don’t answer, make a joked to change the subject or piviot to the latest conservative talking point.

It can be very, very frustrating.

The rise of a MAGA fascist state in the US is not an abstract to me — I’m really beginning to worry that if Trump becomes POTUS again that I’m going to be murdered in cold blood by an ICE agent — or whatever — because I simply will not, can not shut the fuck up about how I think Trump is a fat fuck cocksucker.

But my conservative relatives — whom I love dearly — just lulz all this. As long is those brown families are torn asunder at the border they’ll be content. As long as a stray trans person doesn’t get a free can of But Light, they will be content. As long as the social safety net is gutted and only fools and poors pay taxes, they will be content.

The list goes on.

It will be interesting to see what my fate is. If I’m lucky, I will be able to escape the country should Trump win re-election later this year.

Dune 2 & The Crisis Of Masculinity

by Shelt Garner

The thing about Dune 2 that I think it will make it a lot more popular than you might first realize is, as a man, I found myself really getting into the “dude stuff” elements of it. I have read the books that the movie is based on and I found myself remembering what a bad ass Paul Atreides is.

Paul Atreides

He is a very male archetype, the type that dudes want to follow into battle.

And I think, given how we’ve all decided men should be wussies, that a lot of traditional dude’s dudes will find Paul Atreides a very appealing pop culture figure.

Now, having said that, I found the movie itself…meh. It was too long and did not have the storytelling snap that it could have had if it was closer to two and half hours.

Or, put another way, I would have done the entire franchise differently by making it an at least three picture concept from the beginning and being sure that the first movie wasn’t just a pretty one that was just very long and boring at times.

But, you work with what you got and I really liked Dune 2. I think it’s going to be a huge hit.