by Shelt Garner
As I zoom through what will form the basis of the April 19th Release of this novel, I realize I have something of a crutch when it comes to spicy scenes. I too often have people talk in bed when I could very well have them communicate the same information in a different way.

But that’s kind of the point of going through the novel in such a fast way — I need to see what problems pop up so I can fix them once I finish the entire thing, hopefully soon enough before April 19th that I will have some time to do clean up work.
The goal is to have something “finished” well enough by April 19th that when I physically hand out a few copies at the event I am going to on that day, I won’t embarrass myself.
As such, I feel ok writing a lot of scenes really quickly. Once I finish “a draft” of the novel, then I can turn around and work on the copy I’ve completed and polish it so when I actually do want to hand physical copies to be people I can do with so with pride.

All of this is very arbitrary, of course. But I need a deadline if I’m going to ever finish this fucking thing and to set such a tight deadline for “a version” that is complete in one way or another works well with my personality.
So, I sprint. Once the April 19th Version is done, THEN I can spend some time reworking it and rewriting scenes as necessary to either start to query or to save up the cash necessary to pay and editor.