by Shelt Garner
I’ve been “different” my entire life. What’s more, I wear my heart on my sleeve and am very active — probably too active — on social media. And I’ve already had problems with manuscript consultants thinking I was too weird to work with.
Now, I find myself needing an editor soon — if I can afford it.
And I’m growing more and more concerned that even if I can scrounge up the money to pay for an editor that I won’t be able to get one because, well, I’m bonkers. A kook. They will do due diligence on me and just shake their head and think, “Oh boy.”
The same — but more so — goes for a literary agent.
I can’t help how old I am and I can’t help what a kook I’ve been my entire life. I’m colorful. But when you’re a broke ass writer who hasn’t done much with your life in a loooooong time, what comes across as “fun” and “interesting” when you’re a success, comes across as “loser” when you’re not.
I don’t know what to tell you. I guess….this is when things get interesting?