I Need To Work Seriously On An Additional Novel

by Shelt Garner

I keep expecting to see a headline about some movie or novel that steals a creative march on my novel. And, yet, this novel is so personal and specific that while that is very possible….it’s not probable?

Add to how old I feel and how I know no matter how much success I might be able to get because of this novel — I’m still old and will never be “young in NYC.” It’s enough to give one pause for thought.

But I can’t think like that.

I have to have hope. I have to think about if I do manage to garner any success because of this novel that I will still be alive and be able to have some sort of kooky fun — even if any attempt at such fun with a smoking hot 24-year-old will be looked down upon as….creepy.

All of that is just a daydream at this point. I still haven’t finished the novel. I need to buckle down and get this baby done — and also start to develop some sort of back up plan in case the worst happens. I have three solid scifi novels that I want to work on.

It’s just a matter of pulling my self away from the main task at hand every once in a while to the point that I can do that.

It’s a lot of work.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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