I’m Grateful For What I Have

by Shelt Garner

Driving around tonight, I was stunned by how many homeless people there were, even in my rural area. Since I’m always coming up with story ideas, I came up with one whereby in the tradition of the movie “Something Wild” some guy randomly picks a homeless woman to help her get out of the cold and she totally takes over his life.


I’m very, very grateful to have heat in this extreme cold. I mean, it’s REALLY FUCKING COLD outside. How anyone could survive out there, I don’t know. And, yet, what the fuck am I going to do about it?

I can’t just let random homeless people squat in my house. So, here I am, feeling bad in my warm abode. But, I have to say again, I’m very grateful that I have a home to live in.

The thing I’m really worried about is how severe income inequality can cause social instability. Yikes. I also kind of half-worry that I might be out there in the cold myself next year this time because I’ll be a political domestic refugee after a revolution / civil war takes place.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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