‘Most People’ — lyrics to a pop song

Most People
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

most people say
but most people don’t act
and that’s a fast fact
what is to be said
when in the end we meet our demise
leaving most people with just a sigh

most people say
much to my dismay
most people say
much to my dismay
that they don’t care
that they don’t care
that they don’t care
but I care
I care
I care

love is a choice
that most people refuse
they want to hate
throw it all away
but the key to life is to not be
most people
most people
most people

most people say
much to my dismay
most people say
much to my dismay
that they don’t care
that they don’t care
that they don’t care
but I care
I care
I care

few people know
and fewer still believe
so keep the faith
knowing the score
with a roar to be settled
if not in heaven then in hell

most people say
much to my dismay
most people say
much to my dismay
that they don’t care
that they don’t care
that they don’t care
but I care
I care
I care

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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