The Curious Case of UAPs

by Shelt Garner

There is a lingering mystery in the air when it comes to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. I find it astonishing that we honestly have no idea what the fuck is going on with UAPs and yet the idea has — to date- gotten zero traction in the public imagination.

Given just a little bit of thought, however, this is kind of bonkers. There are strange, powerful objects zipping around the skies of the globe and we have no idea what they are or where they’re from? Why is no one freaking out about this? It’s all very strange.

The most obvious explanations — that either a state or non-state actor has come up with some very, very advanced technology — doesn’t seem to fit what’s going on. So, there is the third, seemingly impossible option: these UAPs are probes are of non-human origin.

If we accept that the seemingly impossible is, in fact, what’s going on…that really opens a can of worms. And, yet, this idea doesn’t seem to matter to the general population. The idea that ETs are using probes to take regular looky-loos at Humanity should at least give people…pause for thought?

But, no. Nothing. Nobody cares.

It seems as though the only way anyone is going to care is if there is Hard First Contact with little green men landing on the front lawn of the White House. It’s enough to make one believe that if the government did release what it might know about ETs that…no one would care.

Only space nerds would get excited, everyone else would go back to fighting over the culture wars.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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