by Shelt Garner
I’m a nobody. But I do like to make abstract concepts concrete and here is what my “revolutionary” agenda would be if I had the power, should Blues have a revolution starting in late 2024 – early 2025. Remember, I’m assuming this happens after Blues have won a Blue Revolution. So, these would be taken care of via Constitutional Amendments.
I would increase the size of SCOTUS to 13 to match the number of Federal circuits. I would also require retirement ages for Justices. I would also have a very strict code of ethics for the court too.
Mandatory Financial Disclosure
This is specific so someone like Trump would have to release his taxes.
Sitting Presidents Would No Longer Be Above The Law
I would make it clear in the Constitution that someone like Trump could be criminally charged, even if they were in office.
Mandatory Mental Evaluation
This would be specifically so someone bonkers like Trump could not allowed to run for POTUS or be POTUS.
End to Gerrymandering
This would really help make political life in the United States better.
Increase the size of the House
This is a simple reform that would have a huge change in our politics for a number of reasons.
Public financing of elections
I would have very strict public financing laws built into the Constitution so a lot of the problems we currently have would no longer exist.
Limit the length of Election cycles
I would figure out a way to limit how long the election cycle was allowed to last.
Eliminate the Electoral College
This would really help fix a lot of problem in modern American politics.
Limited Second Reconstruction
Red States that fought — and lost — the Second American Revolution would be reconstructed to be more democratic — I’m looking at YOU fucking Texas.
Constitutional Convention
I would see this as an option only if there were safeguards in place to prevent it from going rouge.