Day 27: Moving Apace

by Shelt Garner

Someone is using something called “Zenlayer” to hide the fact that they’re looking at this site, though I suspect they may be out of Maryland. Or not. Who knows. Anyway. Hello! Hello? I wonder what their motives are. I’m a nobody who gets drunk and rants a lot.

The only notable thing about me at the moment is I’m zooming towards wrapping up the second draft of my first novel.

Speaking of which, I’m feeling A LOT of momentum. I’m hoping to that by early next week I’ll be in a position where I can read everything up to the midpoint so I can lock things down.

I’m not 100% sure yet that that is going to happen, but it’s at least POSSIBLE.

If that’s the case, then I will have all of May to wrap up the second half of the novel. There are a number of reasons why this is working out this way. One is, I have a lot of scenes already written that I can just rewrite or edit rather than having to think up out of whole cloth.

But I do, on occasion, realize that the only way I’m going to make my vision a reality is if I come up with totally new scenes. One thing I’m growing worried about is the third act. I’ve changed so much at the beginning of the novel that I may have to rework the third act a lot more than I realize at the moment.

And, yet, who knows.

I’m really pleased with how things are going.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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