by Shelt Garner
All systems are go for me to start writing the second draft of my novel as of about the afternoon of New Year’s Day 2023. I have given myself that deadline because I keep fucking futzing with the outline and if have any hope of actually finishing this fucking novel I’m going to have to stop doing that.

I hope to spend New Year’s Eve reading and watching a shit ton of movies and TV shows to kind of recharge my emotional batteries since I can’t like, do what I want to do which is go to New York City for a few days.
Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good about the status of this novel at the moment. I’m really pushing myself creatively to just about as far as I can go. I’m no Gillian Flynn, hell, I struggle to reach Stieg Larsson. But I can tell a good to great story and all I want to do at this point is not embarrass myself. My real goal in the near term is to write a second draft that is good enough that my eventual, inevitable beta readers are interested and engaged enough to finish the whole damn thing.
That’s really the dream at this point.
If I can achieve that goal, then my next goal would be to find an editor to take things to the next level. THEN be querying in the fall of 2023. THEN get an agent and sell my first novel before I drop dead.