by Shelt Garner
It’s comical how at the moment I’m pretty much the only person who gives a shit about this six novel project. But I, at least, am very pleased with how the transition from first to second draft is going. I thought I was going to have the self-control to wait until at least Christmas to do that transition but, surprise, I didn’t.

So, here I am, reading scenes from the first draft and writing scene summaries of them so early next year I can sit down and rewrite the whole Goddamn thing for a second draft. I still have a shit ton of reading to do. And at the moment, the biggest surprise I have is how much I continue to move scenes around as I write.
As an aside, I was something of an asshole some time ago to a fellow writer who just happened to be a MAGA Nazi. She was watching my videos and the moment realized she was a MAGA Nazi, I did everything in my power to get her out of my life. After a lot of thought, I realized why I did something out of character for me — even though I talk, and write, about the novel project all the time it’s still very personal and I just can’t brook talking about it to a fucking MAGA Nazi.
I keep saying — pick a side people. Or a side will be chosen for you.
Anyway, at the moment, all systems are go. It’s going to be rather shocking to a few people in my life if I actually to not only finish this novel but then somehow, someway sell it. But I’m prepared for that disruption in my personal and family life should it happen. I survived the meltdown that was the implosion and “theft” of ROKon Magazine, I can survive that.
I’m really living in oblivion at the moment. To the point that if anyone and I mean ANYONE of note pops up in my Webstats that kind of makes my day. But I’m struggling with my Webstat monitoring addiction. I may not be able to stop drinking as I approach 50, but I may be able to stop checking the Webstats for this site constantly throughout the day.
I continue to be on track to attempt to pitch this novel to a literary agent as part of the fall 2023 querying season. I really need / want to get a editor of some sort involved during the summer of 2023 to take this novel to the next level but saving up the money for that in time will be a real struggle.