by Shelt Garner
Everything is so fucking dumb politically in the United States right now that should Justice Clarence Thomas unexpectedly leave SCOTUS for some reason, it could very well be the catalyst for a Second American Civil War.

Ok, maybe not that.
But it would suck. Republicans are already chomping at the bit to establish a fascist autocracy in the United States, the idea that the drift in that direction that seems inevitable at this point, that or a civil war, might see a little bit of a hiccup would just be too much for them.
The first thing they would think, of course, is that the Deep State was responsible and, as such, they might feel obliged to strike back at major “Deep State” figures. That, in turn, could potentially turn into round after round of more and more escalation until the fucking Second American Civil War happens — or at least, something that is marketed as that by the press.
Or, put another way, the vitral on the part of the MAGA New Right at the prospect of an African American taking the Thomas seat who wasn’t a toady to the MAGA New Right itself would just be too much for them. They would explode in rage and hate and would might potentially at least attempt to burn everything to the ground rather than have it happen.

At a minimum, a vacant Thomas seat would be another bolt popping off Engine America. We’re careening towards a very dark fucking future. The only question at this point is if we peacefully slip into autocracy or we bomb ourselves into fucking oblivion as part of a civil war.