by Shelt Garner
So, I talked to a creative writing prof from Tuffs University recently and it helped so much. I was left with a lot of problems to fix with the first novel I’m working on. One of these problems is there’s just too much going on. So, I’ve decided to slice a huge chunk out of the novel and to start it much later in the story.
They tell you to start your story as late as possible AND there’s a famous quote that says something like, “It’s in the second draft that storytellers really do their best lying.”
Now, this all works well in the context of me throwing myself back into writing at some point at the very beginning of the year. Things have begun to go wrong for me to the point that I might have to get a job of some sort. But plenty of people have written novels while working jobs, so I can only be so angstful about things.
But that hasn’t happened yet.
I do need to produce something, anything as soon as possible. And it’s possible that if I work REALLY HARD that the next draft will be so good I will consider it a second draft and will actively begin to solicit beta readers.
It’s just a matter of working hard at this point.