My Hot Take On ‘Vice Signaling’ & The Alec Baldwin Accidental Shooting Of Halyna Hutchins

by Shelt Garner

I was watching Chris Hayes’ show tonight when he said something that I had thought about, but had yet to articulate — the rise of “vide signaling” within the Republican ranks.

The idea that Republicans have decided to willfully become cocksuckers for attention is something I have thought a lot about. This has come to the fore with the tragic, accidental shooting of Halyna Hutchins by Hollywood star Alec Baldwin.

Both of these tweets are prime examples of what Hayes and I have noticed. I think some of this comes from the more self-aware members of the MAGA New Right knowing that there is, at this point, literally nothing they can say on social media that won’t be attacked.

So, they decide to fuck with people and say intentionally dumb, crass, asshole things, knowing that Twitter liberals will quote-share their content, amplifying their message.

The whole situation is fucked up and there is not ready answer as to how to fix it. “Vice signaling” is yet another sign of the bolts popping of American civil society. We’re careening towards a very dark future with no obvious endgame. At the moment, I think our best scenario is we have some sort of temporary military junta lead by someone like James Mattis who helps us figure out how to fix some deep seated structural problems in our Republic without either us turning into a long-term autocracy or having us have some sort of civil war.

All one can do, on a personal level, is to figure out what one believes in and what you’re willing to risk your life and sacred honor for in the real world. Getting mad on Twitter or Facebook is easy and low risk. Get back to me when you know what you’re willing to believe when you have a gun stuck in your face in the real world.

Whatever you still believe in at that point, is what you need to start to prepare to defend now, while you have time to plan. I’m trying to do that — I got a passport — but I know myself well enough to know that I’ll endup going towards, rather than away, from danger should the occasion arise.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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