A Novel Series Development Milestone

by Shelt Garner

After three years, and the addition of three more novels to the project, I’ve finally finished a fleshed out outline that totals 54 pages. Next, I am going to give myself a day or so breather to think, read and prepare.

Once that’s over, then I’m going to start “just writing.”

I’m hoping things will go so fast that I’ll be ready to plunge into the second book in the series pretty quick. That’s the point of all of this preperation — when I’m “just writing” things go a lot faster because I know exactly what’s going to happen with the story.

So, I’m hoping that I can write the four novels, then rewrite them , have beta readers then re-write them AGAIN a lot sooner than you might think. I have a milestone birthday coming up at an alarming rate and I want to finish this series by around that point. That gives me maybe 18 months.

But this milestone really gives me a sense of accomplishment. I can already tell, however, that I’m probably going to feel compelled to rewrite some of the outline just because now that I understand the entire story in my head, something have to change to give it some cohesion.

I’m going to try not to do too much of that, however. I don’t want to find a new way to spin my wheels. I’m going to start writing again pretty soon, no matter what.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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