by Shelt Garner
I monitor who looks at this Website rather obsessively. And would you believe the tag that gets some of the most traffic for this site is “Glorious American Revolution of 2021.” Obviously, people are searching for “revolution 2021?” and coming across that tag.
This, of course, is very, very dumb.
The crux of why it’s dumb for a MAGA New Right person to want a violent revolution is they’re well on their way to getting everything they want through politics. All they have to do is be patient and the United States will become an autocracy and, lulz, that’s it.

And, yet, here we are, with the MAGA New Right cocksuckers glorifying political violence even though its widespread use would likely destroy their ability to achieve their political goals.
It seems as though we’ve reached a moment in our nation’s history, similar to the late 1850s, when the momentum is not exactly on our side. All it would take is a little added pressure on our failing political system and, lulz, we could have a severe crisis.
My fear, of course, is we’ll have a civil war with states seceding from the Union, WMD will be used and before you know it the United States has so bombed itself into oblivion that a literal American Taliban will form. Though, in our case, it would based on Christian, not Islamic, theology.
And, if you think about it, all this interest in the violent overthrow of the US government would be in line with the notion that we might face an American Taliban type movement in a post-civil war era. But there’s one thing we have to accept and that is the United States is far less politically stable than maybe we are willing to admit to ourselves.
It’s very possible that because of the bloodlust on the part of the MAGA New Right that some pretty surreal things could happen to us all before it’s over with. Violence is not cool, folks!