by Shelt Garner
A lot of my “doom shit” comes from simply listening to what the MAGA New Right is saying and taking it both seriously and literally. If you do that, there’s no other conclusion but the United States is in a chronic, lingering severe political crisis.
If you listen to what people like Jesse “Welcome To The New Right!” Kelly say on Twitter, their movement is nothing short of an American Taliban. They want to destroy everything America stands for, enslave women and minorities, and generally turn A Handmaid’s Tale into a documentary.

I’m well aware that a lot of what they say is “own the libs” frothy bullshit, but the general gist of what they believe is no less radical than anything the Taliban would have you believe. The MAGA New Right is so absolute in its abstract fears of white Christians being “replaced” by woke soyboys that they are more than willing to burn America to the ground, rather than risk being “canceled” for being racist pieces of shit.
The MAGA New Right glorifies political violence. They have made it clear they will stop at nothing to turn the United States into a minority run autocratic white Christian ethno state. Why else do they love the autocrats in Russia, Turkey and Hungary so much? That’s the baseline of what they want to turn the United States into.
If you believe, as I do, that there’s a real risk of the United States imploding into civil war sometime between now and January 2025, then it’s even more likely that the MAGA New Right will become an American, Christian equivalent of the Taliban. The ideological underpinnings for this to happen already exist. Just mix in the use of stolen WMD on major cities, a complete collapse of our government and society and what else is going to happen but the rise of Taliban-style extremists in the United States?
But, of course, I’m making a number of huge assumptions. It’s very possible that we’ll just slip peacefully into a Russian-style autocracy without firing a shot. The media will be purged and the ICE infrastructure will be weaponized, but if you’re a Good German, your life really won’t change that much. In a sense, that would be the best case scenario for everyone involved if the other end of the spectrum is a catastrophic civil war where we bomb ourselves into the stone age because of an abstract fear over being “canceled.”