by Shelt Garner
Short Answer: I don’t know.
Long answer: We are faced with something of a spectrum of endgames.
On paper, the moment Cyber Ninjas do their job for the MAGA New Right, which is to pull a mysterious Trump “victory” out of their asses, we have all the conditions for a sudden, severe political crisis.
It’s easy to imagine, at a minimum, the Arizona Republican Party to convene some sort of “convention” with the aim of “decertifying” Biden’s Arizona win. This is where things are way too up in the air for me to be able to tell you what will happen.

Either they never get that far, and the whole thing is just a talking point for Trump at one of his Nuremberg Rallies, or the Cyber Ninjas bullshit sets of a chain reaction with a totally unknown outcome.
Everything from the Arizona GOP “decertifying” Bidens win to a series of other states approving similar bongus recounts, to us skipping that middle step and Trump’s one “win” in Arizona is seen as enough for the GOP-Controlled legislatures of Georgia and Pennsylvania to hold snap decertification conventions. These “decertification” conventions turn into nullification conventions which turn into secessionist conventions — and we have a civil war by the end of the year.
At the moment, at least, it seems what will happen is things are going to be a lot more methodical than I fear, in the sense that Cyber Ninjas will have to pull their bullshit in a series of states before we have the severe political crisis I fear. And, really, it could be that we spend the next year with Cyber Ninjas prompting the decertification of Biden wins so when the House flips to the GOP, Trump will demand he be elected Speaker.
I will be flabbergasted if Cyber Ninjas doesn’t produce the goods for the MAGA New Right and give Trump a “win.” So, when they do exactly as I expect, they’re going to throw our political system into a lot of turmoil. The question is, how much?