by Shelt Garner
I don’t think enough people — especially Twitter liberals — really appreciate how fragile America’s political system is right now. It would not take all that much extra pressure at this point to cause the whole system to come crashing down.
It’s easy to run any number of very plausible scenarios whereby things really escalate out of control. Anything from Trump being indicted, to Trump — or Biden — peacefully shuffling off this mortal coil or the Cyber Ninjas recount in Arizona could be enough to cause something akin to a secession crisis very, very soon.
And that’s just the near-term threats.
I just don’t see us being able to punt this lingering existential crisis down the historical road past 2024-2025. Republicans will do everything in their power to nullify any Biden win and that will be that — it will become conventional wisdom that for a Democrat to become POTUS, they have to control Congress as well. Then all the voter suppression, gerrymandering and packing of the Federal courts with young, MAGA hacks kicks in and soon enough people like me start to get pushed out of windows by ICE.
Unless MAGA Republicans bungle this transition and we have a civil war.
But the one thing that isn’t going to happen is what’s happening right now — things being peaceful and normal. Once MAGA Republicans control the government again, they’re just never going to let go. They’re going to do everything in their power to turn the United States into a Russia clone.
So, in a sense, if you wanted to get all dark about it, at least with a civil war we might have the possibility of renewing our liberal democracy. But it would suck so bad. It would be a tragedy. A horrible tragic event that would be so scary and shocking that all sides would regret that we went through it. We would give it value and a narrative after the fact, but at the time it would be very much a holy shit situation.
You’re a fool if you think we’re going to muddle our way out of this particular situation. MAGA Republicans have grown too hysterical at the prospect of white people being a minority so they’re more than willing to burn everything to the ground rather than risk losing control. We’re fucked. We’re totally fucked on a historical level.
Again, I don’t write for VOX so, I have no idea what to tell you as to what to do about this impending clusterfuck. Get a passport. Move to a state that fits your politics. Or maybe just pray.