Building A Mystery

by Shelt Garner

So, everything is going well with this allegorical scifi spy thriller about the Trump Era I’m working on, but for one thing — I continue to struggle with figuring out how my characters will reverse engineer the “mystery” which is the whole point of why you read this thing to begin with.

But, thankfully, to date, whenever I get a “blockage” like this, after a few days I mulling things, it breaks and an answer comes flooding into my mind. I definitely feel a bit of creative constipation right now, though. Yet, occasionally, I’ll have a glimpse of a solution to all of this and that gives me hope that as long I write something, anything down then I can clean it up later.

The specifics of this story have changed a great deal since I thought it up but the general story remains the same, even if I keep splitting it and fusing it back together again and again as I struggled to figure out how to best tell this story.

And, yet, I’m feeling pretty confident. There is still plenty opportunity for someone to steal a march on me in some way, but as I keep saying — make decisions on what you do know, not on what you don’t know.

The key thing, I think, about this novel is a lot of the problems I’m having I would have with any novel I worked on and, as such, that’s one of the reasons why I keep plugging along.

I’ve come up with a great story split into novels and all I have to do is put the work into it for it to be a success.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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