Everyone Is On A Different Journey When Writing A Novel

by Shelt Garner

Everyone goes about developing and writing a novel in a different way. So, whenever someone seems a little too much of a perfectionist, or gets bent out of shape about something I say about such things, I simply drop the matter.

Some people do it one way, others another.

And I hate it when people tell me I suck, or that I’m “doing it wrong” when it comes to writing a novel, so I’m really in no place to do the same thing to other people. Whatever works — or doesn’t work — for them.

But the point is — to finish something.

It’s the people who work on a novel for ten years and STILL don’t produce anything that really bug the shit out of me. Even that can be excused if the person is working on some sort of high concept novel. But publish or perish is what I think.

I’ve been working on this novel for about three years and I’m damned if I’m going to wait a second longer than need be to wrap this baby up so I can either get it published, or self-publish then move on to the next thing.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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