by Shelt Garner
They a writer’s best ideas come from “BBB” — Bed, Bath and Bus. It’s when you’re in bed, or taking a bath or on the bus that you realize how to solve a writing problem or break through a blockage.
Things are moving extremely fast with my outline right now, but I really need to distract myself. I need to read something totally new or go for walk and smoke a cigar in a new place. Something, anything, to stroke my creativity in a new and unexpected fashion.
I will note that my “textbook,” Stieg Larsson’s “The Girl Who Played With Fire” is becoming less and less applicable to the story. It’s still a great resource because it’s a book I can read over and over and over again, but I’ve left it as any sort of source of inspiration when it comes to what I was using it for — structure.
I’ve figured out my own structure for this novel. But, like I said, the issue right now is to let myself grow distracted so I can tap into my native creativity. I’m so glad I didn’t “just write” a few years ago when random cocksuckers on the Internet demanded it.
I was right to do development.