by Shelt Garner
The United States is now a successor state to Nazi Germany. I say this because if it’s this much of a struggle to convenience a very passionate and organized 38% of the population that it’s a bad idea to re-election Trump, then, well, it’s over. The bad guys have won.
For the last five years, since Trump came down the escalator to announce his candidacy, I have been ranting about how Trump is an “existential threat to the Republic.” Well, I was right. The Republic is dead. No meme that Twitter liberals thought up “destroyed” House Trump. The courts never came to our rescue. In fact, no one came to our rescue. We really should just rename the United States, “Trumplandia.”
The thing about fascism is form follows function. So, it’s not some big mystery how everything will shake out in the end. And just because Ivanka is Jewish, I wouldn’t hold your breath about MAGA not turning its sights on Jewish people. They have already done this here and there and Trump’s not going to live forever. It could very well be that my calling America the Fourth Reich is nowhere near the hyperbole you might think right now.
One way or another, because autocrats never lose, Trump will “win” re-election. The, only because he’s a very incompetent fascist, a series of easy-to-predict events will happen that will allow House Trump to consolidate power. There will be a Constitutional Convention at some point soon after Trump steals the 2020 Election and American Enabling Acts will be passed because, lulz, Republicans’ abstract fears of Godless progressives destroying the sanctity of marriage is stronger than they’re willingness to defend liberty.
Really, at this point, the issue is how broad the sweep will be by ICE / PACT when they start snatching people off the street and putting them in camps across the country. Will it be a few thousand notable NeverTrumpers and former Obama Administration officials, or a far broader and deeper dragnet. This will most likely happen just after Trump has gotten German Industrialists to purge the free press. How are people going to get upset about it if they don’t know about it to begin with?
Before you say I’m being delusional or one of those libtards who thinks “Orange Man Bad,” let me point out that every night on FOX News the implications is that “someone needs to go to jail” the “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016. (Also, if you are reading this and thinking I’m just saying “Orange Man Bad” please fuck off you shithead piece of shit.)
Anyway, I say all of this because I feel Twitter liberals are delusional. Twitter is not real life. Most people have only the vaguest notion of the political world. As long as they can raise their kids and pay their mortgage, they’re happy. And, really, they are likely not even to notice the abrupt change of evening news anchors or late night talk show hosts. “Who has time for politics?” is what they will think.
The only way they might finally, finally notice the new political clusterfuck hellscape they live in is if it gets personal. If they make a previously innocuous crack online and find themselves in the back of a van on their way to be tortured or murdered. Then they might fucking have some time for politics.
This is an existential issue and as such, it comes from existential problems in the United States. Really, I would say the seeds of America’s destruction were sown at the end of WW2. The Baby Boomers were such a huge demographic group that it was inevitable that as they grew older and more conservative that the country would, too. In hindsight, it’s obvious we were going to turn into a fascist state at some point between 2016 and 2024. It’s pure macro demographics.
As such, we have a sold 20 to 40 years of fascism ahead of us. We’re going to leave NATO, ally with Russia and change the Constitution so any pretense of being a liberal democracy will end.
This is our new normal. There may be a little bit of a pause in this immutable march towards fascism should Trump go completely bonkers at just the wrong time in the next few months, but that’s just a liberal fever dream. Trump will steal the election and then be succeeded by a series of strong men and or House Trump members.
At some point, about 40 years from, there might be a window of opportunity for some new country to pop out of the fascist goo the United States has become, but even that is debatable.
I don’t have any happy ending for you. Goodnight and good luck.