by Shelton Bumgarner
Sometimes macro political trends are not obvious until after they’re complete. But the current impeach process has sped up some significant macro trends in American political life to the point that one thing is definitely clear: Republicans are fascists.
What I mean by this is they no longer believe in liberal democracy or civil society. Really, the only thing that has to happen at this point is a car bomb go off in Times Square and a MAGA person claim credit for it. Once Republicans go on TV to say that the impeachment process has to end because of the violence, they’re fascist. If their first reaction isn’t “Holy shit, what have we done,” but “People dying means a political victory for us” then, well, that’s all she wrote.
It doesn’t have to be a car bomb. Trump could dox the whistleblower on Twitter and tell MAGA to “teach him a lesson.” The list goes on.
The most unsettling issue of all of this is that it’s an institutional thing. There’s no going back. Republicans are prepared to defend Der Fuhrer for any legal transgression. When you reach that point of political devotion, there are going to be massive consequences no matter what the ultimate endgame of impeachment.
In other words, we all have to take a deep breath and take what’s happening seriously. Republicans are hell bent on an institutional level to turn America into nothing more than a Putin-style “manage democracy.” They will lie. They will cheat. They will encourage and embrace violence. Republicans want a nation where plutocrats pay not taxes, there’s no middle class and pretty big chunks of the Constitution are a dead letter.
The more I think about it, the more I believe Trump’s big second term goal is a Constitutional Convention. He will want to codify American Carnage into the Constitution to prep the way for Kris Kobach, or Tom Cotton or Don Jr to finish the job he started.
I have no hope that there’s anything we can do to prevent this from happening. In the short term, maybe, just maybe, Republicans will overreach and we MIGHT get one sold presidential cycle where we can all breath a sigh of relief. But that’s very, very iffy. More likely, Trump will be acquitted, he will far more brazen about everything and the ICE camps will be weaponized. A rouge Constitutional Convention will completely revamp the document.
There might be a little bit of a death rattle here and there. But the center-Left is simply too unorganized and divided to do anything, in real terms, about what is about to happen.
Goodnight, and good luck.