Dream Big Or Go Home: My ‘Big Chill’ Homage & Erykah Badu, Janelle Monae

by Shelton Bumgarner

I’m a dreamer. I daydream and I very much into a dream big or go home kind of guy. I’m developing a screenplay about a bunch of Gen. X people who spend the weekend to celebrate someone’s 50th birthday and I one of the roles would be perfect for either Erykah Badu or Janelle Monae. Monae is obviously the younger of the two, but she could probably play older.

I really like Ms. Badu and she’s perfect for the character I’m writing. I haven’t written the script yet, but I have written the scene summary. But I’m well aware that I have to put the work in and actually produce something. But I enjoy daydreaming so much that it’s difficult for me not to talk about any creative project I’m working on as I’m doing it.

What makes this screenplay different from all my other harebrained concepts is I feel good about it’s prospects to actually be finished. It’s a really strong concept and I am enjoying the process of writing it. I’m willing to put the scene summary online for either Ms. Badu or Ms. Monae to look at, but I know that’s kind of bonkers and totally how things are not suppose to be done.

But it’s my birthday (almost). Let a man enjoy a little winter daydream.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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